News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 8-27-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 26 Aug. 2024

Compiled Mon. 26 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing: (Rumors/Opinions)

Get ready as we are reaching the End Game, Charlie Ward on Telegram Sun. 25 Aug. 2024

Three big happenings planned a long time ago:

QFS Activated, Central Bank and Fiat Currency destroyed.
We have the gold.
Gold is destroying the Fed.
P***n destroys the Petro Dollar.
Stock Market Crash imminent.


Sun. 1 Sept. The C***l’s Great Comeback: Crypto-currency transactions to be partially legalized starting September 1. However, realize that the QFS is not a Crypto-currency. After the revaluation, the currency of all nations will become obsolete, collateralizing assets and ensuring a stable value.


Global Currency Reset: (Opinions/Rumors)

Sun 25 2024 Wolverine: The Whales are receiving their appts and going to Colombia and to Reno! Tier4A funds are released. It is taking longer than expected… it is a process. All is coming through. Today or tomorrow, we will have good news for Tier4B and then the opera will be released. 

I was hoping to be under NDA today, but it is slow, but I will get that call coming through! This is about helping humanity and our families. We want to help all we can. Whatever is possible. Private contractors are now getting paid as well.  The amount of money these people are receiving fathoms the mind. Sadly, one of my huge whales in Mexico who waited a long time for this RV, has d**d in poverty, he had no money, and hopefully his assets can be passed on to his family.

Most of the whales have no money…many sold all they had to get their bonds or have lost their businesses due to world events.  I know a huge whale in Germany who lost his business and is struggling, but he has huge amounts of boxes. Not all whales are rich.

 Fortunately, my whale is well off, and I am lucky. In summary, the RV has started for bondholders and Tier4B is waiting for today or tomorrow, and today there is still time to get notifications for Tier4B. You are also seeing people getting debits released for Nesara and Gesara. Hopefully we will get good news! I think we all would like to have our debts paid off! Yellow Dragon bonds are available till our whale gets his notifications.  Send me a message if you are interested. Things are happening. Hold on. I am very sure we will get through this during this week.  Take care, Wolverine


Global Wealth Distribution (GWD) based on trade and sovereignty means that every QFS account worldwide will be solely owned by the account holder, not a bank or government.

Sun. 25 Aug. 2024 BRICS Launching New Stablecoin Pegged by Chinese Gold-backed Yuan: 


Global Financial Crisis:

The Purpose of QFS, Mr. Pool on Telegram:

The purpose of the QFS is to end c********n, u***y and m**********n within the banking system. “Banks” will no longer need to make huge profits from money transfer transactions.

The QFS will be completely independent of any existing “centralized” system and all other transport systems will be obsolete.

QFS is not a cryptocurrency. After REVAL (revaluation), the currency of all nations will become obsolete, collateralizing assets and ensuring a stable value (this process is simply a bank of information in the computer’s memory).

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Article: “Iraq is the 9th largest buyer of gold in 2024”  They had 132 tons in 2023.  In 2024 they’re telling you they just bought 100 tons of gold this year.  Where did they get all the money for that?  …All of a sudden they have enough money to buy at…$2,500 an ounce? 100 tons?  You gotta go, what!?!  What does it do?  …What it does is it supports the value of their future real effective exchange rate…

Frank26  The new lower notes and the new exchange rate will revolutionize the whole Middle East, let alone the whole worldThe monetary reform is the lynchpin.  It’s the trigger.  It’s the button that will be pushed to change financial structures around the world…We investors of the dinar have a backup for a backup in order to survive this global financial change… 

Iraq Millions of Visitors Rates & News IQD PKR and ZiG Currency Way Up

Edu Matrix:  8-27-2024

Iraq – Millions of Visitors Rates & News IQD PKR and ZiG Currency Way Up PKR New Currency, Zimbabwe Currency Growth.

BRICS Pay System: Final Development Stage of Blockchain Technology Reached Ahead of the 2024 Summit

Lena Petrova:  8-26-2024