News that does not please the Iraqis about the date of completion of the Gulf connection and its production capacity

News that does not please the Iraqis about the date of completion of the Gulf connection and its production capacity

Market analyst and previous government counselor, Abdul Hussein Hanin, said that the Inlet interconnection won’t enter administration before 2026, and its ability doesn’t surpass 11% of Basra’s ongoing utilization.

In the Gulf (Saudi) connection, Haneen stated, “The frequency is adjusted from 60 to 50 Hz to suit the Iraqi network, and crossing is done using the Kuwaiti network by swapping.” The Gulf (Saudi) connection was intended to implement two lines with a voltage of 400 KV and a capacity of 1800 MW. They connect the Al-Faw station, which has a voltage of 400 KV, with the Al-Fadhili station, which has a

He made sense of, “This line should be associated with the foundation of the Bay states framework, where high voltage direct current (HVDC) is utilized to send energy because of significant distances to diminish the expense and accomplish the most un-conceivable measure of specialized misfortunes (influence) contrasted with transmission through rotating current.” .

He elaborated, “The contractual period for implementing the line was 24 months, and it was supposed to start working this summer, but the track is still not ready inside Iraqi territory under the pretext of the presence of mines dating back to the period of the Iran-Iraq war.” He said that the line was supposed to start working this summer.

He went on to say, “The purchasing method is through the Gulf market according to the surplus capacities of the Gulf countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, because it is the only one with surplus production, but what is expected and certain is to purchase a capacity of only 500 MW.” Saudi Arabia is the only one with surplus production. I personally do not anticipate it entering service before 2026. It isn’t more than 11 % of Basra’s flow electrical energy utilization.”