Parliamentary bloc warns against proposing the general amnesty law in its current form

Parliamentary bloc warns against proposing the general amnesty law in its current form

The top of the parliamentary Amal coalition, Yasser Al-Husseini, cautioned today, Tuesday, of the sections of the revision to the general pardon regulation inside the Place of Delegates.

“The amendment in its current form opens the doors of freedom to terrorists and those whose hands are stained with the blood of Iraqis,” Al-Husseini stated in an interview with

He went on to say that “proceeding with the approval of such a law in these circumstances and the lack of stability in the region, in conjunction with granting a general amnesty to terrorist organizations in the SDF organizations and others in Syria” was also a good idea.

He emphasized that “there is widespread popular rejection from the families of the martyrs to proceed with the approval of the general amnesty law,” and that “proposing the amendment to the general amnesty law was done through political consensus, not humanitarian consensus.”