Parliamentary Committee Announces Return of Oil and Gas Law to Government

Parliamentary Committee Announces Return of Oil and Gas Law to Government

The return of the draft oil and gas law to the government was announced today, Monday, by the Parliamentary Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Committee.

“The oil and gas law is currently outside the halls of the House of Representatives after it was returned to the government,” said committee member Ala Al-Nashi.

She went on to say, “The government is thoroughly studying the law to identify the points of contention and finally agree on them.”

“The political differences over the oil and gas law still exist, which is why it was not voted on in the House of Representatives,” Al-Nashi stated.

In order to put an end to the violations and thefts that the Kurdistan Regional Government is pursuing in the oil smuggling file, the Kurdish parties continue to impede the government’s approval of the oil and gas law, which has become a requirement to be voted on in the halls of parliament.