Parliamentary Committee: The Ministry of Education’s budget is small and does not live up to the level of ambition

Parliamentary Committee: The Ministry of Education’s budget is small and does not live up to the level of ambition

Delegate Administrator of the Parliamentary Schooling Board, Adel Al-Rikabi, affirmed today, Thursday, that the spending plan of the Service of Advanced education is tiny and doesn’t satisfy the degree of aspiration.

“The Higher Education Committee supports the government in the implementation of its government program, particularly in the field of higher education, universities, and infrastructure,” Al-Rikabi stated.

He added, “The advanced education spending plan in the 2024 spending plan is tiny contrasted with the assignments of different services and colleges in different nations.”

He brought up that “the council trusts that the public authority will raise the spending plan of the Service of Schooling since training is an essential point of support for the nation’s progression, focusing on that Iraq is needing staying up with logical turn of events.”