Parliamentary Committee: There is no agreement between Baghdad and Erbil regarding some paragraphs of the oil and gas law

Parliamentary Committee: There is no agreement between Baghdad and Erbil regarding some paragraphs of the oil and gas law

It was confirmed by the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday that Baghdad and Erbil have not reached a consensus on some parts of the oil and gas law. The committee stated that to overcome obstacles and resolve the law, committees will be formed to bring viewpoints closer together.

According to committee member Bassem Ngheimesh, a committee has been formed within the Ministry of Oil to draft an oil and gas law that will be agreed upon by both the central and regional governments.

He said that some provisions of the Oil and Gas Law require political consensus between Baghdad and Erbil, particularly Articles 5-13, despite the committee’s completion of its work.

During a recent meeting, the Prime Minister met with a committee comprising of ministers from the region and Baghdad. The outcome of the meeting was the formation of a government committee consisting of ministers, jurists, and advisors. This committee will oversee the work accomplished by the ministerial committee, subcommittees, and the understandings reached about a certain law. The aim is to work towards overcoming any obstacles and bringing viewpoints closer together.