Parliamentary Finance confirms the deduction of employee bonuses and promotions in the 2024 budget

Parliamentary Finance confirms the deduction of employee bonuses and promotions in the 2024 budget

Today, on Saturday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee reaffirmed that incentives and promotions connected to salary will be determined in the current year 2024 budget.

Mustafa Al-Garawi, a committee member, stated in an interview that “its financing file will be organized by the unified salary account.” stating that “all employee entitlements will be released in accordance with what is allocated to them in the operational budget, and salaries, including bonuses and promotions, will be deducted in the 2024 budget.”

“The Finance Committee will pursue the file upon furnishing it with the data and actual expenses for the year 2023, and modifying the 2024 schedules,” Al-Garawi continued.

The House of Representatives approved the financial budget law for the three years 2023, 2024, and 2025 on June 12, 2023, following months of lengthy deliberations between the government and parliament members. The budget approved more expenditures and investments as a direct result of the increase in oil revenues, which account for 90% of the country’s revenues.