Parliamentary Integrity Committee prepares to host the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

Parliamentary Integrity Committee prepares to host the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

Individual from the Parliamentary Honesty Panel, Hadi Al-Salami, uncovered on Thursday that his council has been circling back to the record of finishing the task of the National Bank Lead representative, Ali Al-Alaq, from his situation for over a year.

Al-Salami made sense of for that the council addressed the State head a few times to constrain him to end Al-Alaq’s task, because of the presence of numerous infringement against him.

He added that the taxpayer supported initiative reported by the State leader while framing the public authority incorporates the need of finishing the administration of positions as a substitute following a half year of shaping the public authority, taking note of that Al-Alaq is as yet dealing with the situation as a substitute with practically no activity to drop his task up to this point.

Al-Salami noted that numerous Central Bank-related files and violations have been referred to the Integrity Commission and Public Prosecution, indicating that these violations include issues related to the absence of market control over the exchange rate as well as millions of dollars and interest received by Arab and foreign banks, including Jordanian banks.

He revealed that the request to host the Governor of the Central Bank in the upcoming sessions was approved by the Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, noting that the Governor will be asked a lot of questions during the hosting session.

In contrast, the official Iraqi News Agency was informed by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, that meetings with the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Department will be held at the end of August to review aspects related to foreign transfer operations and discuss the sanctions imposed on certain banks.

Al-Alaq demonstrates that the Central Bank was successful in leading the procedures for selling the dollar and sending money overseas.