Parliamentary Oil: The government is proceeding with the decision to raise the price of improved gasoline fuel

Parliamentary Oil: The government is proceeding with the decision to raise the price of improved gasoline fuel

Kazem Al-Touki, who is a member of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Committee, said today, Thursday, that the government will keep making the decision to raise the price of better gasoline fuel.

Al-Touki stated, “The House of Representatives supports the government’s decision to raise the price of improved fuel” via the Parliamentary Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Committee.

He added, “The choice is worried about those with major league salaries, notwithstanding the need to safeguard the Oil based commodities Organization and make it a productive organization, not a terrible one,” designating, “The organization purchases gas at various times the cost sold at the stations.”

“The state relies primarily on oil revenues to support the budget,” he stated. In addition, in contrast to other nations that sell fuel at the international price, Iraq is regarded as one of the first and cheapest countries.