Parliamentary Security reveals a 60% increase in “positive communications” across Iraq

Parliamentary Security reveals a 60% increase in “positive communications” across Iraq

On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Security Committee made it clear that positive communications had increased by 60% throughout Iraq.

“The citizen is an important part in enhancing the security of the regions through cooperation and reporting any suspicious cases, and gaining his trust represents half of the success in achieving the general goals of any security system,” MP Yasser Iskandar said in a statement.

“The efforts of the security institutions to gain the trust of the citizen have borne fruit through the increase in the percentage of positive communications to 60 percent,” he added. “In some cases, this led to the discovery of the activities of terrorist and criminal cells and networks, some of which were dismantled and others are being pursued.”

“A simple piece of information can save the lives of many, and this is what we emphasize by increasing the windows of cooperation with citizens who represent the most important link in supporting security and stability,” he stated.

It is interesting to note that the elimination of numerous terrorist cells has resulted in a steady decline in the frequency of terrorist attacks in Iraq.