Parliamentary Security: We have dealt 7 blows to currency counterfeiting networks during the current year

Parliamentary Security: We have dealt 7 blows to currency counterfeiting networks during the current year

The Parliamentary Security Board affirmed, on Sunday, that it coordinated 7 negative marks against cash duplicating networks during the ongoing year.

According to Yasser Iskandar, a member of the Parliamentary Security Committee, “there are international networks trying to drain resources by leaking large sums of money to harm the Iraqi economy,” counterfeiting currency—whether Iraqi or foreign—poses an economic threat.

That’s what he added “particular Iraqi security groups prevailed with regards to coordinating 7 subjective negative marks against cash forging networks in Iraq during the year 2024, where a significant number of them were captured and enormous amounts of cash were seized in a few governorates, including Baghdad.”

He brought up that “ousting risky and significant organizations is proof of the developing knowledge aspect in checking wrongdoings that undermine the nation’s economy and uncovering cells that are attempting to forge ahead with these ways that are attempting to alter the nation’s capacities.”

It is essential that money forging activities are done by worldwide organizations, some external the nation and some inside.”