Political: Barzani’s party owns the majority of the region’s banks that smuggle hard currency abroad

Political: Barzani’s party owns the majority of the region’s banks that smuggle hard currency abroad

Political observer Sabah Al-Ukaili charged the Kurdistan Democratic Party on Tuesday of smuggling hard cash into Turkey through banks, most of which are owned by the party in the area, and private banks.

Al-Ugaili stated, “The smuggling of hard currency from within the Kurdistan region through Turkish territory and in various ways is the obstacle facing the Sudanese government and the Central Bank.”

“The Democratic Party and private banks have networks throughout the governorates of Iraq,” he continued. They gather hard cash, which they purchase on the illegal market, move it to regional banks, then into Turkish territory.”

He demanded that the government “take strict measures to deal with the region to prevent the smuggling of hard currency.”