Popular Movement: We have many economic options away from American hegemony

Popular Movement: We have many economic options away from American hegemony

The top of the Organizing Body of the Belt and Street Famous Development, Hussein Al-Karaawi, affirmed on Wednesday that Iraq has numerous choices that push it towards the eastern camp and the Chinese Silk Street to serve its monetary advantages from American authority over this record.

Al-Karaawi told , “America and European nations are looking to lay out the Zionist occupation state in the Palestinian domains and broaden it towards Iraq and the nations of the district through standardization and financial activities that try to control it.”

He added, “The Zionist substance tries to control the worldwide economy through a gathering of ventures that America and European nations are dealing with to serve their inclinations and guarantee their reality, after the line of supply ships showing up to it through the Red Ocean was cut off.”

That’s what he expressed “Iraq needn’t bother with the American presence to serve and safeguard its monetary advantages. Rather, there are numerous other options and choices accessible that push towards Iraq joining China and the Silk Street away from American authority.”