Rule of Law: Nour Zuhair’s trial will expose major figures

Rule of Law: Nour Zuhair’s trial will expose major figures

Saad Al-Mutalibi, a member of the State of Law, said on Sunday that the trial of Nour Zuhair will reveal important people involved in the Deal of the Century.

Al-Mutalibi made the following statement to: “The trial will expose major figures who were involved in the theft and are the first responsible for the theft of the century,” noting that “the word of the Iraqi judiciary is the only one that will decide the case of the accused Nour Zuhair, as it is the competent authority.”

He went on to say, “Noor Zuhair is just a tool to carry out the theft, and he would not have dared to embezzle the biggest theft in the history of Iraq if there were no big parties behind him.” He also said, “The defendant Noor Zuhair’s compliance before the Iraqi is a big message to the corrupt that the Iraqi judiciary will not hesitate to prosecute any party or person involved in stealing the country.”

In addition to his appearance in a televised interview yesterday, in which he boldly stated that he would expose major figures involved in this matter, Nour Zuhair’s trial was postponed to August 18 due to the defendant’s failure to appear before the court under the pretext of traveling outside of Iraq. It is noteworthy that the trial was postponed due to the defendant’s failure to appear.