State of Law: Al-Atabi is still our candidate for the position of Diyala Governor

State of Law: Al-Atabi is still our candidate for the position of Diyala Governor

Issam Shaker, the head of the State of Law Coalition, said on Wednesday that Abdul Rasoul Al-Atbi will still be the coalition’s candidate for Diyala Governor.

That’s what shaker told “the understanding of the specialized council in the coordination structure is clear, fixed and declared that the place of Diyala Lead representative is the right of the Province of Regulation Alliance, focusing on that Badr is among the powers that marked the panel’s choice, intending that there is agreement on this right.”

That’s what he added “Abdul Rasoul Al-Atbi is our possibility for the place of Diyala Lead representative, and we need to shape an agreement government that minimizes no techniques and looks to address every one of the emergencies of the region through a far reaching vision for all records, including administrations and security genuinely.”

He brought up that “the Territory of Regulation Alliance is enthusiastic about the solidarity of the system and is attempting to advance drives for agreement and to assist the arrangement of the Diyala government, whose birth has been deferred for around 6 continuous months.”