State of Law Leader: America Has No Desire to Leave Iraq

State of Law Leader: America Has No Desire to Leave Iraq

Sheikh Haider Al-Lami, the head of the State of Law Coalition, said today, Friday, that the American army doesn’t want to leave Iraq.

“The US administration is still trying to continue the presence of its forces in Iraq and the region, in order to implement its aggressive agenda,” Al-Lami stated.

“To serve the interests of the Zionist entity and preserve its security from the strikes of the Islamic resistance is part of the mission of the American forces in Iraq,” he added.

He went on to say, “America realizes that the first line of resistance is in Iraq, and this makes it want to keep its forces there to serve its interests and the Zionist entity’s interests.”

The agreement that the government and the United States had reached to schedule the withdrawal of its forces from the country within a year had already been made public.