Sudanese directs the rapid establishment of the fixed platform for importing gas

Sudanese directs the rapid establishment of the fixed platform for importing gas

On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the swift establishment of a fixed gas import platform.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office has issued a statement stating that Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to continue discussions on constructing a fixed platform for processing imported gas at the Al-Faw port. This project is considered a crucial strategic project for Iraq as it will help diversify gas sources. The project is located within the port area and will be operated by the power plants in Iraq.

The Prime Minister instructed the formation of a specialized committee to prepare an integrated vision for the vital platform project within two weeks.

Al-Sudani emphasized that the government is determined to continue diversifying energy sources and implement radical strategic solutions to optimize the use of natural and associated gas. The government has already initiated steps to achieve gas self-sufficiency in the coming years.