The file of unifying the salary scale… lost amidst the demands, demonstrations and government promises

The file of unifying the salary scale... lost amidst the demands, demonstrations and government promises

The issue of bringing together the compensation scale for representatives in government divisions stays one of the extraordinary expectations that these workers seek to accomplish civil rights among all workers working in the state.

It is vital that there is an enormous difference in the compensations of state representatives. There are representatives in certain services and establishments who get extremely significant compensations, while different workers get exceptionally unassuming pay rates that reach 10% of the level of those with significant compensations.

Exhibits have been rehashed in different governorates, particularly Baghdad, to request a correction to the workers’ compensation scale.

It appears to be that the resonating voice of the representatives has pushed the public authority to move towards attempting to bring together the compensation scale regardless of parliamentary confirmations that the ongoing year won’t observer any change to the ongoing scale, while others have gone towards keeping the association from getting the compensation scale to the bureaucratic spending plan, when the public authority affirms its endeavors to find equity and fairness among workers through the new scale that has not yet seen the light.

The panel entrusted with investigating the compensation scale, which was shaped according to Amiri Request No. ( 24) of 2022, which made the announcement on Wednesday that it would send its final minutes to the Council of Ministers. This is because the committee wants to change the salary scale in government institutions to meet the current needs of workers. It also said that it would send the minutes to the Council of Ministers so that they could talk about them and put them on the agenda of the next sessions so that people could vote on them.

The head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, issued a statement prior to the committee’s announcement in which he stressed hosting the committee formed on the salary scale file to study what new paths and advantages it could achieve. He noted that “the finance committee is reassured that if this law is implemented, it will achieve justice, in addition to the fact that many of those covered by the salary scale have their departments and ministries subject to the decisions of the Council of Ministers and do not need any legislative

In a connected setting, the individual from the Money Panel, Moeen Al-Kazemi, made sense of that the Money Board of trustees facilitated the Administration of the Committee of Pastors in the Place of Delegates for survey just and made no changes to the law, taking note of that “the 2024 financial plan can’t get the new compensation scale.”

He went on in a proclamation to , “4,000,000 workers in Iraq should be designated monetarily to change the compensation scale,” taking note of that “the Money Board trusts that the compensation scale will be corrected by the Administration of the Gathering of Delegates.”

It is important that a huge section of state representatives get low compensations that arrive at very nearly 400 thousand Iraqi dinars for the 10th and tenth grades.

The monetary master, Dr. Nasser Al-Kanani, precluded the presence of any genuine move to correct the representatives’ compensation scale, making sense of that “the financial plan was endorsed without the compensation scale, which affirms that there is no move towards changing the scale.”

He called attention to that “work grades from ten to five experience the ill effects of low pay rates in numerous services and government divisions, and any representative who goes out to show to request a change in his wages is barred and beaten,” taking note of that there are enormous disparities between a similar work grades starting with one organization then onto the next, which is something that ought to be tended to before long.

State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani got a designation of delegates of the Compensation Scale Change Coordination Panel, as a feature of his development of general and sectoral demands and needs, where he paid attention to the solicitations raised with respect to ways to deal with revising the compensation size of state representatives, focusing on that the public authority will go all out in accomplishing equity and supporting any undertaking that incorporates changes looking for social equity.

Al-Sudani brought up in a proclamation by the State leader’s media office got by/Al-Maalouma/, that “surveying the compensation scale for representatives and laborers in the public area requires exploring in excess of 34 regulations, choices and revisions to the law, which occurred during the past stages, some of which connect with designations and their subtleties.”

He added, “The public authority has executed significant stages by supporting builds that included lower grades, retired folks with low pay rates, and the successors to retired folks who are qualified, as well as expanding the compensations of guaranteed laborers. These are medicines that essentially designated those with the most reduced pay.”