The regional government to its employees: Whoever does not have a biometric code will have his salary stopped by the federal finances

The regional government to its employees: Whoever does not have a biometric code will have his salary stopped by the federal finances

On Sunday, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministry of Finance and Economy urged public sector workers and employees to hurry up and sign up for the biometric system before November 20th, noting that the Federal Ministry of Finance will stop paying anyone without a biometric code.

The ministry issued a statement today stating that the following actions must be taken in accordance with the agreements and understandings reached between the federal government’s Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Region regarding the resolution of technical issues pertaining to the payroll of employees of the Kurdistan Regional Government:

First: Before the deadline of 11/20/2024, all employees, retirees, people with special needs, and heirs of martyrs who have not already registered themselves in the biometric system are required to do so.

Second: All salary recipients and employees who are abroad for a variety of reasons, including unpaid leave, study, or other activities, are included in the decision to register in the biometric system.

Third: The Ministry of Finance in the federal government will stop paying any Kurdistan Regional Government employee or other person receiving a salary who does not have a biometric code by 11/20/2024. He will be responsible for this.