The “spoiled region” continues to steal Iraq’s oil.. Thabet’s militia exposes Barzani’s plan

The “spoiled region” continues to steal Iraq’s oil.. Thabet’s militia exposes Barzani’s plan

The Kurdistan government keeps on utilizing all means to assault and take advantage of Iraq’s riches, including oil carrying that has been continuous for a long time, by taking advantage of the oil fields in the districts of Kurdistan, Kirkuk, and Nineveh with weapons and power, even after the Paris court’s choice to stop oil pirating through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

In any case, Barzani’s elective intend to pirate oil was before long uncovered, by utilizing a state army called (Thabet) by forcing its outright command over all the oil fields in the Rabia areas of Nineveh Governorate, in the midst of numerous obstructions and a resistance with the Bureaucratic Respectability Commission in exploring debasement records and computerized accounts that Claimed by the majority of Barzani’s administration lawmakers.

A few reports lately uncovered that piece of the oil snuck from the Kurdistan district goes at low costs to the Zionist element through go-betweens.

*Elective pirating plan!

An informed source reveals, in relation to this file, a new theft by the Kurdistan Regional Government in the file of oil smuggling and wealth acquisition. Additionally, he confirms that the Barzani government is employing a new militia known as Thabet that has taken control of the Rabia district of Nineveh Governorate.

In an interview with, the anonymous source stated that “Barzani uses the (Thabet) militia to control all the oil fields located in these areas” and that “the security forces cannot enter this region due to the dominance of the government.” all of the territory.”

He continued, “The smuggling of crude oil from the fields of the Rabia area has reached more than 10,000 barrels per day,” stating that “the Thabet militia is supported and with direct support from the Peshmerga elements of Kurdistan.”

He brings up that “this record joins the document of phony line intersections that create a large number of dollars yearly for Barzani’s administration,” noticing that “Barzani is utilizing another state army called (Thabet) that has assumed control over the areas of Rabia locale in Nineveh Governorate.”

The source proceeds: ” The kept carrying of oil from the local government through these fields is commensurate to testing or evading the choices of the Administrative Court that kept Kurdistan from sending out oil, because of the presence of numerous infringement and burglaries that occurred in the past period.”

*Sneaking proceeds

As far as concerns its, the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Advisory group uncovered that the Kurdistan Area keeps on trading oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, in spite of winning the choice to prevent sends out from the Worldwide Court of Paris, while it affirmed that no arrangement has been reached to endorse the oil and gas regulation yet.

Panel part Intisar Al-Jazairy said in a meeting with , “There are numerous issues that prevent the section of the oil and gas regulation in spite of the numerous gatherings that were held during the past time frame,” taking note of that “the oil and gas regulation has not arrived at the Place of Agents yet.” “.

She proceeds, “The joint boards of trustees of the Service of Oil and the Parliamentary Panel won’t pass on the oil record without tracking down definite answers for it and endorsing the oil and gas regulation in the Place of Delegates.”

  • Discouraging the examination concerning debasement documents

Furthermore, Individual from the Place of Agents, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, credits the absence of activity by the public authority and the Public Uprightness Commission towards uncovering defilement records in the Kurdistan locale to the resistance from the Kurdistan specialists, while he affirmed that many documents, bargains, and enormous assets claimed by a few political figures have been hailed.

In an interview with the Maalouma Agency, Al-Baldawi stated that “the fight against corruption must include all governorates of Iraq without exception” and that “there is no clear mechanism for the work of government institutions in the region and there is no possibility of investigating these institutions.”

He proceeds, “The Trustworthiness Commission couldn’t arrive at the hotbeds of defilement in the northern governorates, in spite of the presence of dubious records that were judicially handled,” bringing up that “Administrative Honesty has the option to scrutinize all services, governorates, and government organizations without hindering them, similar to the case in the area.” .

Al-Baldawi closes his discourse: ” The commission’s work is as yet restricted to the 15 governorates without arriving at the northern governorates up until this point,” taking note of that “the disappointment of the public authority and the Respectability Commission to uncover debasement records in Kurdistan is because of the resistance with the Kurdistan government.”

In order to smuggle oil and sell it to unknown parties at prices lower than international prices, the Kurdistan Regional Government seized all oil export revenues in agreement with international extraction and export companies and hidden agreements with Ankara.