TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 3-29-2024


Tishwash:  Mandalawy: Achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandlawi, stressed today, Thursday, that achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq.

“The cadres of Badr were still making sacrifices and striving for Iraq,” said Mandalawi, in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Badr organization، The Iraqis stood before many attempts to drag the country into sectarianism, and they responded to the great call of the fatwa of the highest religious authority against terrorism, and victory was the ally of the Iraqis on every occasion”.

He added that “Iraq is going through many and great challenges represented by corruption and drugs that ravage our children, as well as achieving security and stability, and these challenges require a spirit of jihad that is supported and shared by Iraqi society”.

I drew that ” Iraqis are looking for an integrated sovereignty for our country, and this is done by ending the presence of the international coalition in Iraq, and turning to an external relationship based on mutual respect and in the interest of our country، We cannot enjoy stability, security, or progress without the full sovereignty of the country”.  link

CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance hopes to reach the current year’s budget tables before the end of next week

 Baghdad – Iraq Today:   2024/03/29 10:34 

The Parliamentary Finance Committee clarified the most important priority sectors in the 2024 budget, and while expressing its hope to send the budget tables to Parliament next week, it clarified the size of the amounts disbursed by the governorates last year.

The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, stated that “the Finance Committee and the House of Representatives support the governors, and this was embodied through the necessary financial allocations in the emergency support law and in the 2023 budget, which reached the financial allocation to the governorates with the reconstruction funds of the liberated areas up to 10 trillion,” noting that “the number of projects reached about 5,500 projects in all governorates at a total cost of 49 trillion dinars.”

He added that “the total spent of the 2023 budget of the 10 trillion is 3 trillion and 300 billion distributed by 1 trillion and 300 billion dinars as completed work arms and 2 trillion and 200 billion to finance projects until the end of 2023,” noting that “our recent meeting with the governors came to embody the support of the Finance Committee and the House of Representatives for the governorates to study the obstacles that prevent the completion of these projects.”

He stressed that “the Finance Committee is waiting for the budget tables from the government, and we expected the government to vote on them in its last meeting last Tuesday.”

He pointed out that “there are two tracks that the budget takes in approving it, which is its approval by planning and financing by the Ministry of Finance,” pointing out that “the 2024 budget will focus on the sectors of health, education, electric power and housing according to priority.”

He stated that “the mechanism for distributing budget amounts between governorates is through population ratios and poverty,” explaining that “in the 2023 budget, specific amounts were added to all governorates, regardless of the criteria adopted by the Ministry of Planning, feeling that the governorates need support and allocate sufficient funds to promote the services sector.”

He pointed out that “the tables determine the course of spending and allocation in the budget,” pointing out that “the House of Representatives has the right to make transfers between ministries in the budget law.”

Al-Atwani expressed his hope that “next week will be the date for sending the budget to the House of Representatives,” explaining that “there are some provinces and ministries that stop funding and are waiting for the approval of budget tables.”


Tishwash:  Sudanese: Financial and administrative corruption has crippled the country and wasted wealth

Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed today, Thursday, that financial and administrative corruption has crippled the country and wasted wealth.

Al-Sudani said in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Badr Organization, that “the Badr Organization presented its best men and leaders as martyrs in the war against terrorism in order to consolidate the gains achieved within a pluralistic democratic system that guarantees freedoms and rights.”

He added: “We have devoted our efforts to preserving these constants and gains since we assumed our responsibility to form the government, following a political impasse, and we have been keen for our government to be representative of all components and sects, without discrimination or bias, and to work to serve all Iraqis, as we called our government.” Naming the National Service Government, because our people have been very patient while waiting for us to improve their service and living conditions.”

He continued, “We have set a set of priorities in our government program, which are the same basic needs of every Iraqi. We will continue to work to achieve comprehensive reforms in all sectors, and fight financial and administrative corruption that has disrupted projects and wasted wealth.”

He stressed: “We have fulfilled many of the objectives of our commitment to providing comprehensive services and completing the projects that were stalled and delayed. We completed the governorate council elections in a stable atmosphere and safe conditions. We hope that all the forces that formed the local governments will work in the spirit of one team and reject the ongoing political disagreement.”

He pointed out that “provincial councils are an important link in the transformation of the administrative system towards administrative decentralization, based on the constitution. Our government has worked to eliminate internal and external crises, move the relationship with the international coalition to a new form, and end its presence among the most important files that we worked on, and confirmed in the Government programme.

He pointed out that “the challenges we face today require all political forces to join hands and cooperate in order to cross the shores of security and development, as our government has launched major economic and development projects, and political and security stability make Iraq an attractive environment for reconstruction and investment by major international companies, and maintaining stability is important.” In Iraq, it is the responsibility of all political forces.”

He noted that “the Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected, for months, to the most horrific killings and destruction at the hands of the occupation forces, in the face of shameful international silence and an abandonment of moral responsibilities by the major powers.” link