TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 6-18-2024


Tishwash: Basra’s wish: The stability of the governorate makes it an attractive city for international companies

The security committee in the Basra Governorate Council confirmed the stability of the security situation in the governorate.

Committee member Ali Talib told Al-Furat News Agency, “The security situation in Basra has had a positive impact on its status, as it has become one of the cities that attracts diplomats and ambassadors, in addition to the presence of major international oil companies in the province, and they are now working in Rumaila.”

He added, “The security situation is very good in the governorate and allows all companies to work and invest in it.”  link

Tishwash:  Iraq is the first Arab country in developing oil pipelines

Iraq ranked first, as the most developed Arab country for oil pipelines, according to data issued by the specialized Global Energy Monitor platform, until May 2024.

The Arabian Gulf is among the most important regions witnessing oil pipeline construction projects globally, in light of the leadership role it plays in the global market and its possession of huge crude reserves.

Iraq topped the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, and the oil pipeline projects – proposed and under construction – reach 3.83 thousand kilometers, divided between 75 kilometers under construction and 3.756 thousand kilometers proposed.

The marine export pipeline project, with an investment cost of $416.9 million, is scheduled to be implemented during the years 2024 and 2025, and will be implemented by the Dutch company Royal Boskalis.

This comes as the country implements plans to increase its oil production to 8 million barrels per day by 2027, contributing to Iraq topping the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines.

It is noteworthy that Iraq has about 15 lines for transporting oil, with a length of 2.09 thousand miles, and 10 lines with a length of 1.53 thousand miles for transporting petroleum derivatives, according to data issued by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). link


CandyKisses:  Shameless and unacceptable statements… Al-Sahhaf calls for restraining the American ambassador

Information / Baghdad.

The spokesman for the popular legal movement, Mohammed Al-Sahaf, on Tuesday, rejected the US trusteeship over Iraq, calling on the government to rein in the new US ambassador Tracy Jacobson.

Al-Sahhaf said in a statement to the Information Agency that “the new US Ambassador Tracy Jacobson’s provocative statements have floated a set of UN resolutions.”

He added that “the intervention of the new Washington ambassador to Baghdad is negative and reprehensible and a clear interference in the affairs of a sovereign state,” noting that “the Iraqi people reject the American trusteeship of Iraq.”

“The US ambassador’s statements are rude and unacceptable, and it is not the Iraqi people who are subject to US tutelage,” he said.


 The head of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives, Rebwar Hadi, confirmed today, Monday (June 17, 2024), that there will be no emergency session to elect a Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Hadi told “Baghdad Today”, “Members of Parliament are now enjoying the legislative recess, and there is no talk of an emergency session regarding the election of a Speaker of Parliament.”

He added, “The issue of choosing a speaker for parliament requires political consensus, and there is no consensus yet regarding choosing the president.”

It is noteworthy that the position of presidency of the House of Representatives has been vacant for more than 7 months, with the House failing more than once to elect a president due to the lack of consensus among the Sunni forces in electing one of the candidates.

In the latest developments in the file, the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mukhtar Al-Moussawi, confirmed on (June 9, 2024) the existence of a political consensus to resolve the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives after the Eid Al-Adha holiday.

Al-Moussawi told “Baghdad Today”, “There is a political consensus to resolve the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives after the Eid al-Adha holiday, and there is no intention to keep Mohsen al-Mandalawi on the part of any party in the coordination framework.”  link