TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 6-25-2024


Tishwash:  Parliamentary recommendation for Finance and Planning to launch instructions for implementing budget schedules

Today, Tuesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee recommended the Ministries of Finance and Planning to release instructions for implementing the 2024 budget schedules, while indicating that all appeals are normal and did not rise to the rejection of some paragraphs.

Committee member Nazem Al-Shibli said, “The budget is effective after its publication in Al-Waqa’i newspaper, but it needs instructions issued by the Ministries of Finance and Planning in order for it to be clearly implemented in the ministries, agencies, and governorates,” explaining that “the budget is not devoid of complaints and appeals every year, but the court It is the one who decides the authority to implement or legislate.”
Al-Shibli added, “The court will hear all appeals,” pointing out that “the budget is subject to appeal if any party objects to a part of it,” noting that “all appeals are normal and do not rise to the rejection of some paragraphs.”  link

CandyKisses: The Central Bank of Iraq revealed the mechanism of imposing fines on private banks

According to a document issued by the bank on the third of this month, “we would like to inform you that the imposition of fines on banks and non-bank financial institutions is done through a competent committee in this bank based on the Central Bank Law No. (56) of (2004) and the Banking Law No. (94) of (2004) and the instructions and controls that regulate banking operations.”

He added that due to the violation of these laws, instructions and controls by the bank or non-banking financial institution, the purpose of imposing fines on banks and non-bank financial institutions is to prevent them from committing violations of the laws mentioned above and the instructions issued under them to protect them and ensure their safety and the safety of the financial sector in general.


Tishwash:  Finally, “Carrefour” will open in Baghdad.. The international chain has ended its hesitation

It may not be a passing commercial event in Baghdad.. The international shopping chain “Carrefour” – which has been reluctant for years to enter the Iraqi market – has made up its mind and is actually preparing to open two branches in the capital.

The first will be in the Jadriya area within the “Jadriya Mall,” and the second within the Bismayah Mall complex. According to information obtained by the 964 network from various sources, the opening of the chain of markets in Al-Harithiya Mall has been withdrawn, because “Carrefour” needs a very large space that “Al-Harithiya” did not provide.

He already got what he wanted, as he acquired the largest part of the area of ​​Al-Jadriya Mall, which will also include a group of branches of international agencies, while the chain’s branch in Bismaya will also obtain a large area within the mall of the residential complex, and Al-Jadriya Mall was scheduled to open.

It was strange that the local authorities in Baghdad agreed to open “Carrefour” in Jadriya…the most crowded area of ​​Baghdad. Usually, the authorities oblige the “Carrefour” chain to open its branches in areas far from city centers, to contribute to the revitalization of remote areas and eliminate traffic congestion, especially since the crowding “Carrefour” is a certainty due to the easy and unique shopping experience it provides, the competitive offers and prices, the way products are presented, and the quality standards supervised by teams of international experts.

Carrefour is a French international supermarket chain with five branches in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (5 branches in Erbil, a branch in Sulaymaniyah, and another in Dohuk), and provides a wide range of home, food and other shopping options to the consumer.

Carrefour was scheduled to open a branch in Baghdad Mall in the Al-Harithiya area in the center of the capital, but the lack of suitable spaces prevented this, which prompted those responsible for the chain’s affairs in Iraq to search for alternative locations, indicating the possibility that the chain may have a third branch and perhaps A fourth in Baghdad soon. ink


Tishwash:  Canadian oil replaces Iraqi crude on the American West Coast

Refineries on the West Coast of the United States intend to replace their imports of heavy Iraqi oil with cheaper crude from Canada, at a time when the newly expanded “Trans Mountain” line is re-arranging trade flows across the Pacific Ocean, according to what Bloomberg reported.

 California and Washington are scheduled to import about 150,000 barrels per day of Canadian crude via tankers in June, representing a seven-fold increase in average volumes, according to preliminary data from Vortexa. At the same time, their imports of Iraqi “Basra Heavy” crude are expected to decrease to 3,587 barrels per day, from 76,000 barrels last May.

The Trans Mountain expansion, which began in May, transports 590,000 barrels per day of crude from the Canadian oil sands to Vancouver for export. This is likely to be an advantage for refiners on the US West Coast, which would otherwise pay several dollars more per barrel to buy Iraqi crude.

As Canadian imports to the US West Coast rise, shipments of Brazilian medium-sulfur TUPI oil, as well as Basra Heavy crude, decline.

Alberta’s heavy West Canadian Standard crude is trading about $13 cheaper than U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude, or about $67 a barrel, according to Bloomberg’s general index pricing. Basra Heavy crude is trading about $5.55 cheaper than benchmark Brent crude, or more than $80 per barrel.  link