Tracy Jacobson: I will advance American interests and fight militia influence in Iraq

Tracy Jacobson: I will advance American interests and fight militia influence in Iraq

In her opening remarks before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, US President Joe Biden’s nominee for Ambassador to Iraq was Tracy Jacobson. Jacobson thanked President Biden and the Secretary of State for their confidence in her nomination for this crucial position in her speech.

Jacobson, who has worked in the State Department for more than 30 years, confirmed that she and the committee will collaborate closely to advance American interests in Iraq.

She stated, “If confirmed, my top priorities will be to strengthen our bilateral partnership to support our shared strategies and interests” and “protect American citizens.”

She emphasized that her prior positions as US Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kosovo, as well as Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Ethiopia, qualified her to promote US interests in Iraq.

Jacobson emphasized the significance of enhancing Iraq’s stability, security, and sovereignty in terms of security, noting that ISIS continues to be a threat in the region.

She continued, In the Kurdistan Region, our army provides crucial assistance to the Iraqi Security Forces and Peshmerga. A decade after our powers got back to Iraq to battle ISIS, it is the ideal opportunity for our military to move into another job. I will make certain that any transition from Operation Inherent Resolve to a bilateral security arrangement will be geared toward defeating ISIS and protecting Iraq.

Jacobson also emphasized the significance of Iraq strengthening its relationships with its neighbors and praised the Sudanese Prime Minister for his efforts in this direction.

Jacobson said that economic growth and a government that can provide services to its people reduce the attraction of terrorism and the influence of Iran-aligned militias, which are very dangerous to the country’s future, respectively.

“Iran is a malicious actor in Iraq and destabilizes the region,” she stated. We are aware that Iran-allied militias pose the greatest threat to Iraq.

Jacobson also stated that she would not “allow Iran to use the gas supplied to operate the stations as a weapon against Iraq,” and that she would continue to support Treasury measures to modernize the Iraqi banking system.

Jacobson, on the other hand, emphasized that “the Iranian-backed militias pose a great threat to the stability of Iraq, and that they will work with all available political means to confront this threat and limit Iranian influence” and warned of “Iran’s evil intentions and its continued role in disturbing the security situation in the region.”

Jacobson made the announcement that she would be supporting vital industries like banking and energy in order to help Iraq achieve independence, shield it from outside interference, and connect it to the global system for long-term growth and stability in the economy.

It is important to note that the vote on Jacobson’s appointment as US Ambassador to Iraq, a new strategic step in US foreign policy toward the Middle East, takes place prior to this opening speech.

In the event that her appointment is confirmed, Jacobson emphasized her commitment to safeguarding American interests and working for Iraq’s stability and safety.

Tracy Ann Jacobson will succeed Elena Romanski as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Iraq, as announced by US President Joe Biden on January 26, 2024.