Hamas says US strikes on western Iraq, Syria ‘Pour Oil On Fire’

Hamas says US strikes on western Iraq, Syria ‘Pour Oil On Fire’

Gaza: On Saturday, the militant Palestinian organization Hamas denounced the US attacks carried out over night in Syria and Iraq, claiming that Washington had “thrown gasoline on the fire” in the Middle East.

In an English-language statement, the organization stated that the US “bears responsibility for the consequences of this brutal aggression against both Iraq and Syria, which pour oil on the fire.”

“We affirm that until Zionist (Israeli) aggression and the crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people in the Gaza Strip are stopped, the region will not see stability or peace.”

In response to a drone assault that claimed the lives of three US soldiers in Jordan on Sunday, the US conducted airstrikes against armed groups that receive support from Iran in both Iraq and Syria and vowed to carry out more in the future.

According to the US military, it targeted 85 targets in all across seven locations in Iraq and Syria.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, the attacks claimed the lives of at least 23 pro-Iranian militants in Syria. 16 individuals were murdered in Iraq, including civilians, according to the Baghdad administration.

Since mid-October, armed organizations supported by Iran have launched over 165 attacks against US and coalition forces in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. The attacks are a result of the groups’ resentment over the US’s backing for Israel in the Gaza conflict.

According to an AFP count based on official Israeli data, more than 1,160 persons in Israel lost their lives as a result of Hamas’s strike on October 7, which culminated in the outbreak of war. The majority of the casualties were civilians.

The health ministry of the Hamas-run enclave reports that in retaliation, Israel began a fierce air, land, and sea attack on Gaza that has killed at least 27,238 individuals, the majority of them were women, children, and teenagers.