The Oil Parliament calls for granting dues to the oil-producing governorates

The Oil Parliament calls for granting dues to the oil-producing governorates

The governorates that produce oil should receive their rightful share of the current year’s budget, according to a call made on Friday by the Parliamentary Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Committee.

“The budget includes a law that provides financial dues to oil-producing governorates in the event that the price of oil rises above the amount specified in the budget, but this matter has not been implemented,” committee member Bassem Al-Gharibawi stated.

He said, “There is an urgent need for action by Parliament, especially the Finance and Strategic Planning Committees, to follow up on the dues of the oil-producing governorates in order to ensure that they obtain their dues within the budget.”

He clarified, saying, “The Parliamentary Oil Committee did not approach the federal government regarding this matter, but it moved toward the Ministry of Oil to find out the extent of its implementation of the government program and curriculum.” He confirmed, “There are actual parliamentary movements to ensure that the dues reach the producing governorates.”