Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (04-3-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

We’re going in the right direction…We’ve been going in the correct heading from the beginning says my groups. However, a considerable lot of you are as yet restless for it to in a split second occur. That is not the way in which it works…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Great news from Iraq, I hear. Remark: Let’s hope that we can begin setting up appointments for next week! MarkZ: I believe there’s a good chance we could. Many of my acquaintances in Iraq had high hopes for today.but have not yet received a response from them.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Re-division, that is just eliminating the zeros off of the Iraqi dinar. That is significantly more not the same as expanding the conversion standard of the Iraqi dinar. Two unique things…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

I believe that the Oil and Gas Law won’t be implemented until an exchange rate shift occurs. For that, they will need an asset assessment, and so yet, all we have seen is 1310…

According to Newshound Guru Breitling :

Do I have confidence in their [Iraq’s] strategy? Absolutely. Do I have at least some idea where the worth is coming from? Absolutely. Fake inflation…They have more clients and they’re selling significantly more energy. How might it be at a tenth of a penny? It’s not possible for anyone to let me know this. Well Tony they printed an excess of cash. Thank heaven, acclaim Jesus! For what reason did they print an excessive amount of money? For what reason do they have an excessive amount of money? Did someone instruct them to do that? Was it Abraham Lincoln? Who was it? Furthermore, for what reason would they say they are making it happen? Furthermore, presently you can begin assembling this. It’s fake expansion. They’re selling their energy in the US dollar and that’s backing up their money. It’s a monstrous open door. In any case, that is the force of expansion. That is what befallen Iraq and they will receive in return…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

In a frightening improvement the US has shut the record through which Iraq gathers income structure its oil sales…the Improvement Asset for Iraq (DFI). The DFI…served as a life saver for Iraq to gather and deal with its oil incomes. Iraq kept up with this record with the US Central Bank permitting it to get oil incomes in dollars and use them to cover fundamental costs as per concurrences with the Unified States…With the conclusion of the DFI account, Iraq’s oil income is being coordinated to another record, secretively alluded to as IraqQ2…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The agreements IMO they are reworking the conversion scale for the agreements. The issue isn’t whether to emerge with another swapping scale yet which conversion standard to emerge with…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Newspaper article: “The Minister of Finance and the World Bank are discussing support for the economic and financial reform program” Previously, I would often respond, “Yeah, that sounds good, but we’ll believe it when we see it.” However, given that his own political party is working against rather than with al-Sudani, it’s difficult to hear news of this type these days without becoming a bit thrilled. Al-Sudani is doing a fairly decent job.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article: ” The US has shut the record through with the Iraq gathers income from its oil deals” The DFI reserve was shut on Spring 18th…Big change. We have not seen this previously. Is it a conclusive evidence? … In the event that they planned to stop a record that had security for all their oil cash and they seconds ago a long time back I feel that is pretty big…They probably felt agreeable as it were they could deal with response on that debt…I’ll let you know this, assuming they change the worth from 1310 to a past period, it’ll turn into significantly less expensive to take care of their obligations…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[by means of PDK] Question: Did Iraq get their financial balances and cash back from the US? MarkZ: YES. This is enormous. This is gigantic. Iraqs cash for oil deals is done going through the US. I was informed this is the thing Iraq has been looking out for before they constrained things to fruition…The shut DFI account is tremendous… And something I was reliably told from government contacts in Iraq is the manner by which hard it has been for them with oil incomes going through the US. This has tremendous repercussions for Iraq and their monetary sway. This is a significant key piece that we just saw occur…Now we really want the declaration on the HCL front, which I accept has proactively happened-we simply need the declaration.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: “Iraqi economy faces threat as US shutters oil income account” Quotation “Iraqi oil money is now being routed to a new account, known to as IRAQ2, following the closing of the DFI [Development Fund for Iraq] account. The financial expert Kamaran Qadir Yaqub expresses worries about this shift, saying that there may be a risk to the security that was previously provided for Iraq’s money.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

In the present news stories we find out about the lapse of the augmentation of the US President’s Leader Request 13303 set up in 2003. Anyway, there is no expansion this year…Why is this so vital to us financial backers? Yet again first, the termination of 13303 shows to us that Iraq is gradually moving out of the endorsed attitude out and out. In any case, presently we moved to another level. We know that in December of 2022, Iraq finished its conflict repayments installments to Kuwait and in this way followed that every one of the excess UN sanctions were lifted. [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

According to Intel Guru Goldilocks :

According to Wikipedia, “Executive Order 13303 was issued on May 22, 2003, by United States President George W. Bush to protect the Development Fund for Iraq for the rebuilding of Iraq from any legal attachments or liens.” The 13303 Executive Order is being revoked.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Has a date and rate been settled upon already? MarkZ: My connections in the Iraqi government informed me that the pricing is established by them. Simply said, we don’t know that or the date.