Adviser to Sudanese: Implementing the budget schedule instructions will not take long, and amendments may be made to them

Adviser to Sudanese: Implementing the budget schedule instructions will not take long, and amendments may be made to them

Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani’s financial advisor, denied that instructions for putting the 2024 federal budget schedules into effect would be delayed.

“I don’t think that the instructions for implementing the federal general budget, according to the financial schedules related to the fiscal year 2024, which were recently approved by the House of Representatives will take a long time to be issued,” Saleh stated.

He made the observation that “the basic instructions for implementing the budget that were issued regarding the tripartite budget issued under Law No. 13 of 2023, which are currently in effect, are sufficient and effective; however, there may be modifications that necessitate modifications or additions to the current instructions in accordance with the country’s financial situation. at the Federal Ministries of Planning and Finance as a facilitator.

After making modifications to a number of expenditure schedules and financial allocations for the development of the governorates, the House of Representatives voted on June 3 to approve the schedules of the Federal General Budget Law 2024.

The total financial budget was 211.9 trillion dinars, or more than 153 billion dollars. This was an increase of 7% over the budget for the current year. Employee salaries were also significantly higher than last year’s, when they were about 59 trillion dinars.

The budget estimates that the Iraqi state’s general revenues are approximately 145 trillion dinars, resulting in a 66 trillion dinar deficit. The government claims that the difference in the deficit caused by high oil prices will be reduced.

Granting the government authority to transfer funds between ministries and various investment amounts for service and infrastructure projects throughout the country’s cities was one of the most prominent amendments to the current budget that was examined by Parliament’s Finance Committee.

The total salaries of employees increased from 59.2 trillion dinars to 63.4 trillion dinars, or 4.2 trillion dinars, and the costs of care networks and government subsidies increased from 24.5 trillion dinars to 26.9 trillion dinars, or 2.4 trillion dinars, making it clear that the country’s cost of public operating expenditures had increased.