A bank participating in the process of localizing the salaries of employees in the region

A bank participating in the process of localizing the salaries of employees in the region

The Bank of Iraq reported, today, Wednesday, its support during the time spent restricting the compensations of workers in the locale.

An assertion from the bank got by ” expressed, “This cooperation came in consistence with the choices of the Bureaucratic High Court and in view of the orders of the Head of the state in regards to the bank’s support during the time spent restricting the pay rates of workers of the Kurdistan Local Legislature of Iraq.”

He added, “A specific designation from the Exchange Bank of Iraq (TBI) is going by The overseer of the Erbil branch met with a particular designation from the territorial government in Erbil Governorate about the component of restricting the pay rates of the district’s workers in the bank. During the gathering, the prerequisites for the most common way of opening records, giving cards, and sending mechanized teller machines (ATMs) all through the locale to cover the money withdrawal process for workers were examined

. It is completely ready to “give pay confinement administrations and issue electronic cards to government area representatives in the district, and the bank is trusting that the territorial government will send arrangements of the names of workers whose pay rates will be limited with it, connected to the supporting records, so the execution of the compensation restriction cycle can start and continue.”