A deputy stresses the need to strengthen oversight to speed up the completion of the salary scale

A deputy stresses the need to strengthen oversight to speed up the completion of the salary scale

Hadi Al-Salami, an independent member of parliament, emphasized today, Tuesday, the necessity of stepping up parliamentary scrutiny to expedite the completion of the draft legislation pertaining to the new employee pay scale.

“The government has not yet implemented the employee salary scale law, even though more than 500 days have passed since it was withdrawn,” Al-Salami stated.

He said, “The coming days require strengthening parliamentary oversight of the government for the purpose of accelerating the sending of the civil service law and salary scale to Parliament.”

Al-Salami noted that “there are dialogues and sessions of the higher coordination committees for employees of Baghdad and the governorates in coordination with the offices of representatives for the purpose of continuous follow-up.”

The majority of state department workers are still waiting for the government to decide on the new pay scale, particularly in light of several legislative requests that the scale be prepared in order to ensure fairness for workers across ministries.