A Kurdish representative expects the date of approval of the “amended” federal budget for the year 2024: It is very late

A Kurdish representative expects the date of approval of the “amended” federal budget for the year 2024: It is very late

Muthanna Amin, the Kurdish MP for Iraq, predicted on Tuesday that the “amended” federal budget will be adopted at the beginning of the next month.

“It is expected that it will be submitted to Parliament at the end of this month or the beginning of next March,” Amin stated in a statement to the Iraqi Parliament, emphasizing that “it is “It’s too late.” The competent committees in the parliament started reviewing and amending the draft federal budget law on January 10.

“The state’s general budget is anticipated to be approved at the beginning of March, as postponing its approval will impact the overall situation in Iraq, not just in the region, as many issues are tied to the actual figures that the budget will approve. Therefore, it is imperative that it be approved as soon as possible,” he continued.

“Kurdish people need and deserve approval of the budget as soon as possible,” he declared.

Amin provided an explanation for the delay in the region’s employees’ January wages, stating that it had to do with the real expenditure of the Iraqi government, which was operating under the (12/1) principle. As a result, the region’s contribution was little; however, this changed when the elections were completed and the government started allocating the provinces’ development funds. The area emphasized that while a decrease in the region’s share from last month is anticipated, it will still not be enough. The goal is for the budget to be passed in the third month, at which point the region’s share issue will be resolved.