Al-Bandawi announces the readiness of the {Intelligence} law for voting and reveals “fundamental amendments”

Al-Bandawi announces the readiness of the {Intelligence} law for voting and reveals “fundamental amendments”

The Parliamentary safety and protection Committee found out the final touch of discussions at the country wide Intelligence carrier regulation, and the imminent vote on it after it witnessed “essential amendments.”

Ali Al-Bandawi, a member of the security and protection Committee, stated in a press announcement that “the law became examine twice inside the council, and witnessed repeated hosting of these in rate of the intelligence carrier, consisting of the top of the provider and some of legal specialists and trendy managers, to talk about its provisions and make the vital amendments,” stressing that “the essential amendments covered the directorates and departments of the carrier, further to defining the rights and obligations of its individuals.”

Al-Bandawi talked about that “the law stipulates that the intelligence provider might be subordinate to the Commander-in-chief of the militia, if you want to beautify its independence and effectiveness in acting the obligations assigned to it.”

He brought, “the safety and protection Committee worked to ensure that the law displays the desires and priorities of the business enterprise, at the same time as adhering to the desired felony and administrative standards.”