Today, Friday, an individual from the Al-Fatah Collusion, Aed Al-Hilali, affirmed the shortfall of solidarity in the Sunni House’s talk with respect to the place of Speaker of Parliament and the inability to settle on a contender to expect this position.
Al-Hilali told , “The continuation of the opportunity of the place of Speaker of Parliament for over 5 months affirms the lopsidedness and conflict inside the Sunni House, as there is no understanding between the Sunni parties on a particular contender for the administration of Parliament.”
He added, “The Shiite House and other ideological groups will uphold the Sunni parties on the off chance that they settle on a particular possibility for the place of Speaker of Parliament, however this matter didn’t occur inside the part because of the absence of understanding between the principal Sunni parties.”
That’s what he expressed “the shortfall of a brought together talk from the Sunni House was behind the emergency in the place of Speaker of Parliament, and assuming this matter had been available, the other coalitions would have remained by their choice and gone to decide on the up-and-comer introduced by them, given that he has the necessary details.”