Al-Fatah: Localizing the salaries of the region’s employees in federal banks achieves justice

Al-Fatah: Localizing the salaries of the region’s employees in federal banks achieves justice

Amal Attia, the Al-Fatah Alliance delegate, stated on Monday that the localization of the region’s employees’ wages in federal banks, like those of Baghdad and the south, is a victory for justice.

In a statement to the, the representative stated that the “My Account” system and certain other financial companies are robbing the Kurdish employee of his means of subsistence and should be restricted and closely watched. The representative further stated that the employee has the right to feel that he is an Iraqi citizen by receiving his salary from an Iraqi government bank.

She went on to say, “The Iraqi employee works hard to obtain the job bonus, which is equal to the same amount deducted from him by the financial companies specialized in distributing employee salaries.”

The employees in the region reacted favorably to the Federal Court’s decision to settle their payments with Iraqi banks since it would ensure their financial rights and stop them from getting paid every six months.