Al-Sudani chairs a meeting to follow up on procedures for transitioning to electronic payment

Al-Sudani chairs a meeting to follow up on procedures for transitioning to electronic payment

On Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani emphasized the significance of electronic payment cards, stating that they are a critical component of economic reform.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister has released a statement informing that Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to discuss the progress of the transition from traditional payment methods to electronic payment systems, including the use of electronic cards (POS). The Governor of the Central Bank attended the meeting, the Prime Minister’s advisors for strategic, economic, and banking affairs, and the Director General of Payments at the Central Bank.

The Prime Minister was briefed on the latest procedures and executive details regarding the transition to electronic card payments in both public and private sector institutions. The briefing covered the measures being implemented by the agencies responsible for monitoring and following up on the transition and usage of electronic cards.

He highlighted that the adoption of electronic and digital payments is a fundamental aspect of the economic reform outlined in the government’s program.

The financial and banking authorities discussed tariffs and commissions during the meeting.

The Prime Minister emphasized that citizens should not bear any additional financial burdens due to commissions. He further explained that the aim is to simplify transactions and payments across all sectors while ensuring the highest levels of security.