Al-Yasiri: The American administration is working hard to destroy the Iraqi economy

Al-Yasiri: The American administration is working hard to destroy the Iraqi economy

The political and security examiner, Muhammad Al-Yasiri, today, Thursday, blamed the American organization for proceeding with its threatening arrangement to annihilate the Iraqi economy.

Al-Yasiri told , “The US Depository Division keeps on confining the progression of dollars to the National Bank of Iraq and lessen cash liquidity.”

He called attention to that “the American organization is striving to limit the Iraqi government and deter it from requesting the expulsion of its possessing powers from the country.”

He proceeded, “The American limitations on Iraq in regards to the dollar plainly affirm the lie of the purported kinship of the US of America with Iraq.”

The US Depository Division as of late forced financial approvals on eight Iraqi banks, went before by sanctions on fourteen others, and kept them from managing in the dollar cash, as the explanations for the burden of such endorses were not made sense of.