Localization of salaries… Kurdistan employees are waiting while the regional government is procrastinating

Localization of salaries... Kurdistan employees are waiting while the regional government is procrastinating

Until this second, the legal request to settle the pay rates of representatives and retired folks of the Kurdistan Area has not been settled, because of the lingering of the Kurdistan Provincial Government in this.

Last February, the Administrative High Court chose to oblige the focal and provincial legislatures to settle the pay rates of workers and retired people in Kurdistan in government banks.

It appears to be that the territorial government was accepting the issue of compensations as a wellspring of squandering cash and involving pay rates for individual advantages, by expanding the names of representatives in a vulgar way.

However, after the Bureaucratic Court’s choice was given, the local government felt that this source was starting to disseminate, which drove it to tarry during the time spent sending the names to the Service of Money

Sources inside the Kurdistan district uncovered on Tuesday that the Government Court’s choice to settle the pay rates of the area’s representatives wiped out 400,000 copy names who were getting twofold compensations.

The sources told, “These names were designated, for instance, in the Peshmerga, and simultaneously they get compensations from different divisions in the locale as agreements.”

She added, “A portion of these names get three and four compensations simultaneously.”

As far as it matters for him, the agent of the Fatah Partnership, Muhammad Karim, blamed the territorial government for moving in the issue of limitation of pay rates.

Karim told , “This thinks about adversely the interests of the district’s workers, as sending the codes and fingerprints of Kurdish warriors is expected to delude and play on delicate records.”

He added, “Carrying out this choice will make it a political standard, requested by other Iraqi governorates from now on, while there is no mystery in managing the national government and the district should bargain genuinely and deftly to tackle such issues.”

Regarding Representative Hussein Al-Saabari, he affirmed that the area must pay the federal government and its employees in accordance with the Federal Court’s ruling.

Declaring that “the decision to localize the salaries of the region’s employees is a final and binding decision for everyone, and no party can shirk its responsibilities,” he urged the regional administration to “send the lists of its employees and retirees” in a statement.