An economic expert confirms the possibility of following the movement of the dinar

An economic expert confirms the possibility of following the movement of the dinar

Economic expert Safwan Qusay confirmed on Sunday that Iraqi banks can now track the movement of the dinar and purchases of goods from abroad through new digital payment methods, promoting the shift towards a digital economy.

Qusay made an interesting point about Iraqi banks suggesting they can improve their monitoring of the dinar’s movement by implementing electronic cards and other measures. This could lead to a shift towards a more secure and efficient banking system.

“He stated that the government is planning to shift from traditional money storage in homes to electronic card transactions, enabling them to invest the dinar once it is in the banks. This investment will facilitate the redistribution of funds in the form of various projects and job opportunities.”

“He stated that banks will have the opportunity to track the dinar and identify buyers of goods from abroad. This is because the current government is working towards transforming the economy into a digital one in order to attract more investments, achieve economic security, and control the movement of hard currency and the dinar simultaneously.”