Baghdad, Qatar’s UrbaCon discuss setting up 2,100 megawatt power plant

Baghdad, Qatar’s UrbaCon discuss setting up 2,100 megawatt power plant

The Iraqi Priest of Power, Ziyad Ali Fadel, declared on Sunday that the public authority is concentrating on setting up a 2,100 megawatt power plant in Baiji in the northern governorate of Salah Al-Clamor.

The Iraqi Power Service referenced that Fadel held a gathering with authorities from Qatar’s UrbaCon, a Qatari-based global development administration organization, to survey the last insights about the development of another 2,100 megawatt power plant, the Iraqi News Office (INA) revealed.

Fadel said that the ministry would work with Arab businesses that want to set up shop in Iraq and take advantage of the government’s investment opportunities.

The gathering tended to the subtleties of the new power plant, which comprises of six creation units, every one of which will produce 350 megawatts.

The Iraqi Clergyman of Power demonstrated that the new power plant will supplant a more established power plant that was totally obliterated during the conflict against ISIS.

As per Fadel, the power plant’s closeness to a petroleum treatment facility makes it more straightforward to get the fuel expected for its activity.