Bondlady’s Corner – Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 3-6-24


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 3-6-24

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Barzani Thanks Bush For Liberating Iraq From Saddam’s Regime

Wednesday, 03-06-2024, Karar Al-Assadi 310    The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, thanked former US President, George W. Bush, for his role in “liberating Iraq” from the former regime headed by Saddam Hussein in 2003.

A statement issued by the Regional Presidency on Wednesday, and received by Noon News Agency, stated that, “As part of his visit to the United States, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, met yesterday, Tuesday, with former US President George W. Bush.”

 During the meeting, according to the statement, Barzani expressed his “thanks and appreciation to President Bush for his support for the people of the Kurdistan region and Iraq, as well as the liberation of Iraq from the dictatorial regime, and his support for the democratic system in the country.”

 For his part, Bush sent his special greetings to Masoud Barzani, and also expressed his wishes for contentment and prosperity to the people of Kurdistan and all the citizens of Iraq, according to the statement.

The Association Of Private Banks Praises The Government’s Support For Digital Transformation

 March 6, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer  Today, Wednesday, the Iraqi Private Banks Association praised the government’s interest in digital transformation in all institutional joints, while

 Huawei confirmed that it provides technology services to telecommunications and digital security companies.

 The executive director of the association, Ali Tariq, told the official agency, followed by “Iraq Observer,” that  “there is a government interest in digital transformation in all institutional joints, one of which is the banking and financial sector, which is one of the basics of digital transformation in services, whether governmental or provided through the private sector.”

Tariq added,   “The development of the private sector and financial institutions in terms of digital transformation and the adoption of information technology will be a fundamental issue for the overall change in digital transformation in Iraq.”

He continued,  “The association brought together banks and financial institutions in Iraq in cooperation with Huawei to see what is happening in the world in terms of transformations in financial services that provide modern methods of banking and financial services.

Therefore, the banking and financial sector must keep pace with these developments and adopt the latest global technology to keep pace with what exists outside Iraq.”. Tariq noted that   “the banking sector is one of the sectors that react quickly with regard to adopting technology because many services are provided through  mobile applications,  banking applications, or  adopting financial and banking services remotely, and this is in the interest of the financial sector to provide an easy service to the citizen.”

He added,  “We are now in the   first educational phase to spread awareness to the banking sector about existing technologies, and the  next phase will be a phase of cooperation to build technical infrastructure and better technical financial services.”

In turn, William Shi, General Manager of Sales for the Enterprise Business Division at Huawei Middle East and California, said:

“We have been working in Iraq for 20 years in the field of technology and we have approximately a thousand employees.” Shi added,   “In Iraq, we officially entered the banking sector and provided many technological services to telecommunications and digital security companies.”

 He pointed out that  “we provided scholarships to five thousand university students, and the company continued to work in Iraq during the time of the Corona pandemic despite the suspension of many telecommunications companies.”رابطة-المصارف-الخاصة-تشيد-بدعم-الحكوم/    

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Provoking Points to Ponder on Decisions 

It is always thus, impaled by a state of mind which is destined not to last, that we make our irrevocable decisions.  – Marcel Proust

A power greater than any human being helped make this decision. – Herbert J. Steifel

He who reflects too much will achieve little.  – J. C. F. von Schiller

The opportunity is often lost by deliberating.  – Publilius Syrus

The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-out vacillations, and the effect of decisiveness itself “makes things go” and creates confidence.  – Anne O’Hare McCormick

Deliberation often loses a good chance.  – Latin proverb