Bondlady’s Corner – Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 4-9-24


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 4-9-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Beginning Of “Drying Up” Liquidity From The Hands Of The Iraqis.. The Destruction Of “Surplus” Currency And Deposits In Banks Are The Highest Historically
Economy  | 30,007 views  Alsumaria News – Special
Over the past years, all of the economic problems in Iraq internally, whether with regard to  corruption, the      dollar, the      rise in real estate prices, etc., as well as     inflation,have been directly linked to the 
     high volume of liquidity and the     printing of money by the Central Bank, as well as the     high volume of cash in the hands of the streetcitizens or… Capital ownersaway from Iraqi banks.
Recently, trends and numbers indicate that a reverse process has begun to take place in Iraq, which consists of     reducing cash and     getting rid of “surplus printed money” without printing new money in front of it, and     increasing banks’ possession of this liquidity instead of leaving it in the hands of the street and citizens, where it can be said that the  government and the banking sector And finance in general in Iraq began to “nibble” the existing liquidity and “dry it out” from the hands of the people.
In a special review conducted by Al-Sumaria News, it becomes clear that the currency printed or issued in Iraq until February 2024 is the lowest in 8 months, that is, since May 2023, as the currency printed in Iraq reached 99.2 trillion dinars, and the highest historical level reached by the printed currency was recorded. In November 2023, it amounted to 102.6 trillion dinars.

This approach represents getting rid of the currency and not only stopping its printing, but also “destroying it.”
This matter does not seem “absurd,” but rather
it is an approach committed by Iraq to reform liquidity management and with recommendations from the International Monetary Fund, which, in its statement last February, praised “ Efforts made by the Central Bank of Iraq aimed at getting rid of excess liquidity!
While the currency printed until February 2024 is the lowest in 8 months, there is a “historical” record corresponding to it, as the data reviewed by Al-Sumaria News show that until January 2024, the currency in banks amounted to 9.1 trillion dinars, and this number is the highest ever in history. Banks after they ranged between 6, 7 and 8 trillion over the past months and years.
The expected effects of this trend are not known, but     specialists believe that the data will continue in one direction, which is to reduce printed cash and liquidity, and     the banks’ attempt to hold on to liquidity and not leave it in the hands of citizens, and  all of these indicators will ultimately lead to reducing inflation in general and reducing the “enormous” purchasing power among groups. Great Iraqi.بدء-تنشيف-السيولة-من-يد-العراقيين-اتلاف-فائض-العملة-والإيداع-بالمصارف   

Offering Completion Bonds
April 08, 2024  Offering completion bonds  :diamonds: This bank, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, will offer bonds under the name (Injaz Bonds) to the public starting from 4/15/2024 until 5/15/2024..  For more click here      
 [incomplete and approximate translation of

All commercial banks   M/ Offering bonds (Enjaz)
Based on the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 196 dated 5/74/7410, which included the start of issuing national bonds.
To the public. This bank, on behalf of the Ministry itself, will offer bonds under the name (Injaz Bonds) to the public starting from
Date 4/14/1010 until 01/74/5 15. Because the success of the bond selling process depends primarily on your bank.
This bank invites you to receive the public and provide everything that will facilitate this process. It will not be promoted and delivered
Bonds are issued to the public only through banks.
In order to facilitate the procedures for these bonds, we have agreed to provide you with a mechanism for this. As we would like
We inform you of the following:
1. Lump sum administrative commissions will be allocated by the Ministry of Finance amounting to (11) thousand dinars (twenty thousand dinars).
For every customer attracted by your bank to buy the bond.
The bonds offered will be in two categories:-
:copyright:» A bond in denomination (500,000) dinars (five hundred thousand dinars) with annual interest (7.5/) for a period of two years and paid every six
:copyright: Bond denomination (1,000,000) dinars (one million dinars) with annual interest (8.5)) for a period of four years and paid every six months also.
“Your bank is required to announce to the public through all your branches and on social media pages
Your account or any other means of communication that you deem appropriate in a way that makes the purchasing process understandable and non-existent Complicated.
5. The amounts received from the public are collected and transferred at the end of each week to this bank until the end of the period
Designated for sale and code (5509).
. These bonds are exempt from taxes and related fees.
. Adherence to the usual anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing procedures and in accordance with the instructions issued in this regard.
. The possibility of using the bonds under study as guarantees in exchange for granting cash credit to customers (companies or individuals)

Provided that the amount and duration of the credit granted do not exceed the value and term of the bonds taken as guarantees.
6. These bonds are traded in buying and selling in the Iraq Stock Exchange.
9. The open market operations office in this bank is provided (exclusively) with the names of those wishing to buy any bonds
In paper form or via this office’s e-mail (WZA :copyright:08500.00626).
We ask your bank to take the necessary measures to combine efforts and make the bond sale process successful at all stages. With appreciation.
Attachments:  – Mechanism for issuing completion bonds   – Form/number (1)

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Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.- William Shakespeare

There’s folks ‘ud stand on their heads and then say the fault was i’ their boots.- George Eliot

Admitting error clears the score, and proves you wiser than before.- Arthur Guiterman

Mistakes fail in their mission of helping the person who blames them on the other fellow.- Henry S. Haskins

I have known men who could see through the motivations of others with the skill of a clairvoyant; only to prove blind to their own mistakes. I have been one of those men.- Bernard M. Baruch

I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.- James Gordon Bennett