Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, January 4th and you’re listening to the big call. And we’re happy you’re here. Thanks for tuning in. And welcome big call universe – we don’t know how haven’t heard a couple of weeks, how many countries how many individuals we’re getting out to, but it could be a good number a big number. So congratulations to the Sat team for getting them on to it.

And let’s go right into where we are now in the Intel world.

I’ve got little information to bring you. Let’s talk with with you, first of all about where Iraq is. Now Iraq has been paying out their citizens on backpay – military pay – I think they’re probably still continuing to pay the HCL money to their citizens – a hydrocarbon law – which is profits from oil and gas exploration that’s under the oil and gas law.

That was settled finally – I think to a certain percentage was going to Kurdistan and all that they’ve been the biggest point of discussion  – they’re paying their military basically they’re catching up and giving everybody their pay, in a lot of different ways that you know, people are getting basically three or four different payments per month. So that’s good thing.

The other thing about Iraq is they have not yet had the Iraqi dinar on the Forex. We thought that it had been but misinformed –  but it’s not yet on the Forex – but it’s supposed to start being on forex Sunday. They said this weekend, but we know that the Forex itself is down from Friday to 5pm Sunday.

They may  put the rate up, but it was show up Sunday 5pm Eastern time –  That’s when It would show up. And of course Sunday is the first in Iraq is saying makes perfect sense. So that’s good.

Now, the bank screens – I believe  I told you guys Tuesday night –  bank screens  are going solid rates on front and back screens and are showing on our redemption center screens – on the back screen, solid –  but the front screens are still flashing – as of yesterday, I have heard if they are still flashing today, but I would believe they would still be doing that.

Now, what’s interesting about that is that the theory is that when those front screens stop blinking and go solid on these rates, that it would be “go time” – that we would get the green light. So I have a feeling they’ll be blinking up until the Treasury says go –

Now  we’re getting a couple of different things from three different Intel sources.

Two of them are pretty much lining up with this  can go any time between now and Monday, meaning we would get our notifications anytime between let’s call it tomorrow, Friday, and Monday.

And that’s what two sources are saying  – and our final source that we heard from this afternoon, was saying that we would actually later this afternoon saying that all releases  Start this weekend .

All releases  – Bondholders –  releases for our groups  tier 4 A and B  – the intermediaries –  they haven’t been paid yet – like  farm claims and ranch claims and fines and penalties  – adjudicated  settlements CMK X etc, etc.

So, those intermediaries we rarely talk about but their data is usually included in the  intermediaries, but we did believe prosperity packages would happen after we got started. Who knows, it’ll come out whenever they come out.

But what’s interesting about that is if all releases happen this weekend, does that mean we  get notified  Saturday,  or is it possible we get notified this coming Sunday and start Monday?.

Remember the other sources were talking about us doing anytime between now which will now Friday – tomorrow – from now through Monday, anytime between – now let’s call it in Monday. Well – because – has anybody seen the calendar?  Monday – January  — oh oh – the 8th — you guys know how I feel about China and the number 8  –

just saying  — could that be the day  we get notified for the day we start exchanges, hard to say –  we’re gonna be if everything gets released over the weekend. Maybe that brings Monday into play  for exchanges to start –  So let’s keep an eye  on it. We’ll see if that’s the case or not. But I think that’s good news. And these are pretty top sources too that’s giving this information  

So the other thing that’s good for us. – We did get update today on reclamation, restitution allowance, R & R. The R&R we said was gonna start on Friday in some way.- tomorrow – the 5th      

The latest information that we got today about r&r was that it would start one week after the redemptions – after we got appointments  – our numbers for our exchanges.

So a week after  – week after is when it would start –  Just fine – definitely that’s cool.

And that’ll be a good significant bunch of money for especially 62 and older. And the older you are, the more you paid – in the more loans  – the more taxes you paid – or interest probably paid on loans, etc, etc. So that’s  gonna be good – especially for a lot of people  when they’re not even involved in currencies – because they’ll be getting pretty nice chunk as a lump sum if you are 62 and older.

Now, the r&r starts, this is another update started starts at the age of 42.  So from 42 to 61 should get their  R & R  paid out two or three years, but it’s paid out every month. paid out monthly over  2-3 years.

That’s the latest that we’ve heard about it. None of this, as far as I know, is written is ????????. It really isn’t. But we’ll have to see how payout takes place. and what actually occurs. but it’ll be significant, especially if you’re toward the older end of 60 – 61 in that range. but even 42 year old 40 Fewer than get will get something And I understand that they have monthly So I don’t know guesstimate how much better to just wait and see what it is – But  social security increase starts in January – so we will see how that goes –

The bond holders did receive  – some of them received email yesterday morning that told them they would have access to funds in the next four or five days. And I did not get date on that my gut was it would probably be Tuesday that they would have access – maybe it’s Monday, but I felt like it would probably be Tuesday for bondholders but not all bond holders received  them yet to tell them what they have access to their funds, but they will get access to 10 percent of their total with this first email being sent

I Take that as that has to hold them over  for ninety days and then after  90 days have access to the remaining 90% I believe  that’s the case, so we’re going to have something similar  But we’re not tied to a percentage or tied to more or less. How many billion do you need for the first 90 days? And how much do you want to move from your quantum account into a primary or secondary accouns with Wells?

I think as long as you can show, sort of how you use funds, you shouldn’t have any trouble moving some funds from your QFS account your quantum  financial account  to primary or secondary accounts. you shouldn’t have any trouble – I  know it seems like a long time ago since I talked about the quantum accounts  but I think  you guys get the concept.

Probably half a dozen times  at least but the idea is your exchange proceeds from your currencies and your zim go into a quantum account – and that that account is NOT an interest bearing account. It’s too big to begin with, what you’ll do is move some funds on day one we’re going to exchange into the primary Wells account – and that amount would earn interest –

 The last time we talked I believe it was 6.45 %  annual percentage  – yearly – and that could change – it’s been lower than that – We’re interesting numbers probably four or 5% Annual Percentage yearly. Why? And that will change

By the way, the conference call – that was Tuesday morning  includes all of North America which is Canada, US and Mexico is North America – This one was 18,000 people on this call. Took 37 minutes for everybody to log in – and The call went almost 3 hours – So I don’t know Still though they don’t want us to know –  what everything they talked about 

We thought they were deciding on whether to go Wednesday, Thursday – Friday for a release time. came to find out yesterday. not really the case. They did not give everybody who were on the call. All banks all redemption, and the banks, it was the managers of the banks and the owners of the banks presidents of the banks – and included all staff for redemption centers, leaders and staff members 18,000 people –  It’s a pretty good conference call.  So they had that –

But what did they discuss? I don’t know – what all they discuss.

But I know they were trying to discuss roughly when it was gonna come out, but they still don’t have fixed dates. And that’s why I was thrilled to get information that says this would happen over this weekend. So that’s very good news for us. I’m excited about that. And that would include bondholders and us in tier three and tier four for a tier 4A and tier 4B  –

Beyond that — Let’s see if there’s anything else to describe to you.   So that’s pretty much what I will share with you guys today. I’m looking forward to the exchanges. I’m looking forward to the R&R I am looking forward to an increase in Social Security. And we’ll see what we have to talk about but that you know this is gonna be a big month. We’re going to have announcements.

Wire before the 11th which is a week from tonight. Well, let’s see how this comes about. You know, we’ve had political change talked about a long time we’ve been pushed, you know, on it several times. So, hang in there and say this and look forward to it. I’m looking for and I really want everybody to enjoy here and have a beautiful wonderful joyous 2024

We appreciate everybody that stayed with us all Right, But let’s let’s just all say positive belief for this to happen. According to this intel. Everybody have a great night

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