Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, December 26TH  Boxing Day, and wonder if Jeannie will mention that. And you’re all welcome to the Big call. I appreciate everybody coming in this day after Christmas, and we’re gonna have a really good call tonight. I think, I hope we don’t go too long. I want to get it done and let you guys enjoy your holiday, and let’s We’re on the second day Hanukkah too – day two of eight. I believe it is. And everybody just enjoy the holiday.

All right, let’s go on into the so called Intel segment. Thank you, Bob, very much for that. Intel wise – Well, I have to say we were told to look for this Christmas Eve day, Christmas day maybe. And then that turned into well might not be overnight. Christmas. It could be this morning the 26th it could be this morning until noon. Then I heard more information today that said, Well, it’s going to be if it’s not. This is what I heard last night, if it’s not today, it will be over this weekend, this weekend coming.

And I thought, okay, here we go again. Good push to the weekend, but I have to tell you, we did hear from a group of very informed individuals that are part of this process.

They’re part of the release. They said the release is coming very shortly. And that’s one of those terms I’m not a fan of, very shortly. What does it mean? Does it mean hours? Does it mean days? Well, in this case, it means a couple of days. Releases are coming very shortly.

Keep your britches up. And here it comes. Hold on your britches is what I meant, yeah, release. The release is happening shortly. Yep, and keep hold on to your britches, meaning pants. Hold on to your pants. It’s coming.

So `I think what I’ve heard since then and these were extremely valuable people that were bringing this to us. I mean, the highest of the high we are looking for a green light from treasury / slash/  Wells Fargo to release this to us over the next couple of days a weekend. Now for them, the weekend is starting on Friday and Saturday. Really believe, from what we’re hearing, we’re going to get this either tomorrow or Saturday, and depending on what time of the day we get it. We could start exchanges right away.

And also, Sunday will be a day the redemption centers will be open. If we start tomorrow or Saturday. We don’t have a leapfrog to Monday. We would go right through including Sunday and we know that redemption centers, depending on the demographics of the area, could be open as late as 10 or 11 o’clock at night, and they’ll start somewhere around nine, 915 in the morning.

So they’ve got two, maybe sometimes three, shifts of people that will be working. There’s not nine stations. This isn’t nine stations of the cross or any of that stuff. This is you sit down. They will you will be have a group of two to four people across from you that will do everything right there, at that desk or at that table, they’ll have laptops.

They’ll have a Delarue machine to count and verify your currency. They’ll verify who you are with a photo ID like a passport or a driver’s license. I was told we don’t we no longer need to bring a utility bill to the redemption center. So I’ve got wine in my portfolio. If they want it, I’ve got it. Don’t. It won’t come out.

The point is, all you need to do is get in there. They’ll pony up your currency. They’ll verify it, they’ll let you know what that is, you know what the rate is for that particular currency, and they’ll total it up. And at the end, they’ll have a big total of all of your currency, including Zim.

 They’ll offer you a contract rate, which is the per barrel price of oil that Iraq is selling their oil for. Like to Turkey. Turkey is buying a ton of oil from Iraq. They might be selling to Egypt. They could be selling to other countries in the Gulf region as well. But I know roughly what per oil price is per barrel, but it can fluctuate. It can go up or it can go down. They’re supposed to offer us the contract rate, which I said, is the per barrel pipe of oil, okay, per dinner, whatever it is, so that it’s a win, win, it’s a win. It’s a win for the bank. It’s a win for the person helping you with Exchange.

Once they do that – you have total you know what it is. You’ll next be setting up your quantum account. You’ll have you’ll have your biometric finger or thumbprint to put in the system. We’ve got that  – they’ve got a new user name and a new password for the quantum account, then you have a five digit PIN code that you’ll create for the quantum account, and then you’ll also have a brand new email and a brand new password that’s all tied to the quantum account.

Okay, and so once you have that set up, now it’s time to look at moving funds from your quantum into your primary Wells Fargo account. You end up with $100 billion in exchanges. Well then you just take whatever you want, 5 billion or whatever, 2 billion, and put it to your primary account that has to last you for 60 days.

They want to see how you do removing your money legitimately in the first 60 days after that, you get access to everything in your account and can move it at will, okay, but you will earn interest. Or if you want to earn interest, you can in your primary and secondary bank accounts with Wells Fargo, but you negotiate that, and you can negotiate a pretty good percentage as an annual percentage, yearly APY, annual percentage, yearly paid on the money, not in your quantum account.

Remember, quantum earns zero, nothing, not a vient day, nothing. But when you move funds into your primary wells account, at that point you can begin earning interest on it.

Now, for me, a rate of interest. I’m not looking to get greedy on it, but I’ll take some interest, and I’ll also ask it to be paid quarterly, meaning once every three months.

 That way I know the amount that I have to invest in or get rid of, and bless people with, but for the next quarter comes out, so it kind of keeps you moving through some of these funds. And obviously, to begin with, before you earn interest in the first 90 days, you know you’ll  have to take the money from your quantum account and use it to buy a new house, maybe maybe a car, maybe some land.

Whatever you’re doing. I have, obviously, a lot to do for the projects, so I’m going to be tapping into that. I’ll also set up some accounts that are what I call secondary accounts under the primary each one for four separate LLCs that I already have set up so I’ll be doing it that way, but master trust holds the primary account everything underneath it, but then I’m using LLC accounts for the LLC projects that those go under, okay, now you’ve got the quantum you move funds in.

 Forget credit debit card from wells, Fargo. That’s what you actually use stuff with. That’s one way you can do it. You have charge capability with it. You can move funds from it. You can use it as an ATM card, but remember, the quantum card is used as an ATM card ever only used to move funds from your quantum account into your primary or secondary bank accounts.

Is not a card to go out and charge things on. You don’t use that in a restaurant. You keep it super, super secure and safe. Only you know where it is, and if you need to get access to it, move some funds, you can do it.

So keep it safe and don’t lose it. Okay, not going to be easy to replace. Don’t lose it, keep safe, you’re somebody that always loses, your keys or loses this – turn over a new leaf in 2025

All right, so now you’ve got that. You’ve got funds that have moved now they should have some of the newUSN currency at the redemption centers. By the way, this process is only at the redemption centers. You’re going to get the contract rate on the Dinar at the redemption centers, you’re going to get the on par with the USN rate on the Zim at the redemption centers, you’re going to get the little higher rate on the dong you’re going to get at the banks, at the redemption centers. I know what it is, but I ain’t supposed to tell you all what is right now, but I know what is.

The other thing is, once you’re done with that, okay, what is left? What is left? I think after you get your funds moved, you got your credit card, you’ve got your your quantum card, your credit debit card, you’re not supposed to set up multiple accounts.

Forget the idea of getting certified checks. That’s old school. That’s like three years, five years ago. So you’re not going to get cashiers checks. You might be able to arrange a couple of proof of funds letters for real estate. I don’t think I need them, but I’ll probably get one funds letters for a couple of places beyond that, they’ll probably give you a business card for a wealth management person, ultra high net worth person, somebody that you can meet with days later or whatever to set up the rest of Your accounts. You know, need to get that in.

Go over things, but really it’s one, one and done on this thing, you’re going through it, you’re getting it done. You leave list of perks, which are benefits for being a customer at the bank, and you can look through those, see if there’s anything you like, and let them know later that you would like maybe that particular perk for you. And then they should get, I don’t think you’re going to get a certificate.

That was an idea before that. You will not get a computer or a laptop. You will not get that. You will get a Q phone, which is basically a satellite phone. Starlink satellite system should work anywhere in the world. I do not know how that works with a provider of that service.

 The phone itself is supposed to be free to you as a satellite phone, and I think it probably uses Starlink, and it may incorporate cell towers as well. But listen, it should work everywhere, all over the world. It should work everywhere. So whatever the deal is, the Q phone is supposed to be secure enough that you can actually transact from your quantum card.

Okay, transact and move funds into your bank, your bank accounts, so it should be completely secure. I’m going to see how that all works, guys. We have to see how that comes together. And basically, I think you get that last and they kick you out the door and you’re gone. Then in 30 to 40 minutes for everything, everything that you have to do, and, oh man,  that’s going to be good –

Its going to be like these guys make a touchdown, and they go out and celebrate  they’ll get a 15 yard penalty pack on to the next play because they did it. I don’t know why they still do that, but they do. I know they’re excited about winning and the score and all that, but guys, let’s not over celebrate.

Don’t go to the bar and say Hi guys, I’m rich. I’m flying around for the whole house. You know, don’t do stupid stuff like that. You know, be a generous tipper. Don’t stupid. And let people say hey, you know, no, all you’re going to do is create people wanting to follow you out of the restaurant, follow you to your car, gets back into the house. You guys got to learn to stay on the downlow.

I’m talking to myself — I got to be on the Downlow Now. I can’t be up even what I’m trying to say. Just keep it simple, sweetheart. And this, this whole thing with the exchanges and the redemption zoom at the redemption center, it’s going to go quickly, go like even setting up new accounts. You know it’s going to go quickly. So it’ll probably all go in 30 minutes.

If you have a lot of currency, it might take 40 just to count it all and go through it. And if, if you have bonds, sheet bonds, individual sheet bonds, or a box of bonds, you can bring that let them know when you talk to the redemption center, when you’re setting your appointment. Hey, I’ve got some sheet on.

So how many do you have? Well, I’ve got 10 sheet bonds, or I’ve got a box of sheet bonds. I’ve got two boxes of sheet bonds that can handle it at the redemption center, but you’re going to need more time for that too, that you better pack a lunch, like I said last time with that, because it’s going to take a lot of hypothecate and go through all that, get the products of it, make sure that it’s all above board and legal.

Don’t try to pull any tricks over man. They see that coming. Forget it. Don’t try to pull it on any of this, be honest. And I don’t know what’s going to happen with the R and R you guys, the RNR is supposed to kick in part of NESSARA in the first day, days of January.

Well, is it still going to be there for us when we go into Exchange before the first let’s see. I don’t know. I almost don’t want it. Then I want it to come to the bank where I get my Social Security now, so I don’t care either way, but we’ll get it’s just a matter of when, as far as social security increase during that in the first 10 days of January, just like our and on restitution, rehabilitation, allowance, um, I’ve broken that down for you before. I don’t know there’s anything else really pertinent.

What we need to do just when you call to say your appointment, you should be transferred with your zip code. Here’s the only thing you need to tell on the phone. What the latest is, when you call in, you’ll give them your name, and it could be an automated voice, give them your name and tell them your zip code. That’s it.

Then you’ll get connected to a person at the other end, we should be able to center that corresponds with the zip code that you do, and then you’d say, Okay, I’ve got, you know, you don’t have to tell them what you have. You don’t have to tell them what currencies you have. I don’t know what they’re going to ask you at their dentist center, other than they should get directions to you.

 I don’t know if they’re going to email you any kind of confirmation. I doubt it, but they should give you idea of where it is, how to get there, what time your appointment is. Appointments should be set up every 40 minutes, and hopefully they’ll stack up nicely and you won’t get delayed. Don’t get there more than 10 minutes early and prepare. Have your currency all laid out. You know, you don’t have to make copies of your currency, please, really, yeah, I’m going to make copies of million.

You know, Zen notes give you a break. They don’t need receipts for where you got the currency. They know everybody. That’s a zoom holder, unless it was gifted. They know the currency holders. They already know who you are. All the KYC part is just going to be verifying who you are to them. That’s going to take like, two minutes, one minute, and then we’re getting into verifying and counting the person

So it’s going to be a much quicker process than we thought. And let’s see what else. All right, so that’s good out of there. And then you’ll be able to remember this idea, guys, the only reason we want to make sure you’ve registered your email on bigcall is so we can you by email. If we do any more calls, there’ll be like podcasts, and we’ll send you a link in your email that you can click on, and they’ll be me talking, or Bob and I, or maybe Sue Bob and I doing something, something like that, but we aren’t going to be doing live calls that we intend to once this goes, once we have numbers, we’ll just probably do that and put it in the Email. Now only email you if we have the email for you, so send us not registered on big call that’s what you do.

 You register with your email, and that way we will send out an email to everybody with the 800 number, so you’ll have it in your own email from us, and you’ll also get have it on our website. We’ll put it on the website.

When we get it, we’ll put it on the landing page of big call, okay, and that’s really it when it comes to when we talk about the projects we talk about, rebuild America, rebuild International. If you’ve been on the big call for a while, you know what that’s going to be involved in that websites to build out. We’ve got to do that and decide exactly how we’re going to communicate with you.

In future. We probably will do regional meetings in different parts of the country and that way people that live in that area can come and meet us. And then we can, we can talk about certain states, certain regions, certain states, some of you have already stepped up to say, I’d like to be the leader. I’d like to be a leader in this retreat or that state, and I’m aware of that, and we’re going to be working on that.

And then, of course, the idea is to stay in touch with you, with plans for the veterans record and the store retreat network. That’s going to be good. We’re going to get those started too. We’ve got a lot to do in the first several months of the year.

We need some time to get our stuff straight when it comes to real estate moving or whatever, all of that has to happen and but I think we’ll be communicating with you, so make sure that you do register so we can be in touch with you by email.

I am still looking for at least 5000 big call listeners from big call universe to help rebuild America and rebuild international COVID handy if you are somebody who lives in the Bahamas and somebody that lives in the Dominican Republic.

Thank God, Bob’s got good contacts in the DR if you are someone that lives in Haiti, you know, we might need some help in Haiti. I speak French and Spanish, you know, a couple other languages, and I just think I’m going to use that French in Haiti if I need to. And if they’re not impossible to deal with, you know, we’ll work with Haiti.

.So we’ll see how that goes. You know, gonna be a new experience, but I’m prepared with the new prime minister president and sit down with him and speak English or French for them.

So I want to thank everybody for listening.

Let’s see what happens over the weekend. Weekend starts tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, primarily Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Let’s see what happens over the weekend, but let’s go ahead and pray the call out. Want to thank Sue. Thank Bob so much.

Everybody have a wonderful night. Let’s have a great weekend and a really beautiful, safe New Year’s Eve. Say no craziness all this far to lose anybody, anybody else we’ve already lost. Let’s not lose anybody doing something stupid on New Year’s Eve or anytime. All right, hang in there, you guys. Let’s pray the call out —

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:07:27

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   56:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:08:50

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:16:12

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24  REPLAY LINK  NO CALL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:16:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124  REPLAYLINK  Intel begins   1:10:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:12: 21

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-13-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins   1:04:54