Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody tonight to the big call.  It is Tuesday, May 7th  and you’re listening to the big call, wherever you’re located around the globe. We’re glad you’re tuned in. Maybe the sat team or satellite TV has provided a link for you to listen to the call live in your own language around the globe or maybe you’re just listening to English, and that’s fine, either way. So we’re excited to have you here. That’d be a really good call tonight.  And I’m excited to bring my part to you. But before we get there, let’s bring the call in

All right, let’s talk about where we stand right now. I want to put out something first of all that I heard about yesterday, I think it was – and that was people certain people are putting out stuff online. Somebody put something out about taxation, or this this would be a taxable situation for us  – it is not a taxable event. That was something that the Deep State has put out, and I think this was the fifth time they put that out. It’s BS don’t buy it – not a taxable event period. All right, I put that to bed.

The other thing, President Trump was seen in court today to be wearing a gold tie –  We heard this from our US base force contact – told us about this –  and this is highly symbolic – President tends to do things like that President Trump was communicating to us. We believe that we are back on the gold standard.

The USN is a gold back and we call it asset backed currency but it’s highly backed by gold and we have a bunch of it. I don’t even go into how much we have in this country, in the US. So that was a cool addition communication from President Trump.

All right, let’s see let’s go into what has been happening yesterday. and today. Let me first explain the concept of an introducer.

An introducer meant someone who connected a willing buyer and a willing seller to buy bonds or could have been an introducer that introduce someone to a bank that would do currency or take care of their currency – both of those cases we know  of  people who are introducers that receive emails today and yesterday, which told them that they would receive introducers Commission’s and have availability to access those, I believe tomorrow, which is Wednesday. – That’s Right!  it’s the eighth, eighth of May tomorrow. — Just saying.

So those emails for those that were introducers to bonds, and sometimes currency exchanges in tgreat amounts – those went out  yesterday and today –

Alright, let’s move beyond that –  staying on the theme of bonds –  from what we’re hearing from the bond paymasters is that tomorrow, I believe it’s in the afternoon – Typical bond holders of German bonds- Red Dragon –  yellow Dragon, so called Dragon bonds are to be emailed their notification that they’ve been waiting for just like we’ve been waiting for a notification. They’re waiting for that notification to come in tomorrow.  I say fairly early, maybe after two in the afternoon.

 Now. What makes it interesting is these bond holders will receive these emails and enter information that they have already specific to their account username to their password to their email and forwards that back to the bank that’s generating these emails. They will forward that back tomorrow afternoon  once they receive it –

Then within an hour or two after they send back the email to the bank – the bondholders / bond sellers will receive an email telling them the amount that they have in their accounts for the bond sale – the amount that they have in their account. And they should have access to that account tomorrow, late afternoon or early evening, tomorrow.

So that’s a big deal – huge deal – For us and for them. Okay, that’s that’s the end of the bondholder information.

 Let’s go back and recap something that we’ve been looking for in tier 4A  and tier 4B – we did on last Thursday’s call acknowledge that we have the green light from the military to go forward with everything. That green light if I remember correctly, came a week ago Monday –  In other words not yesterday but a week ago. They got the green light from the military.

We’re looking for 3 green lights – military –  Treasury – and Wells Fargo  in that 0rder  –  we did receive confirmation that we have the Treasury’s green light in the last couple of days. I can’t tell you exactly which day but we did get the green light from Wells Fargo yesterday at 1pm in the afternoon Eastern Daylight Time. So in other words, we have all three green lights now covered – military  – Treasury – Wells Fargo.

 So now where do we stand?  We – Lets talk about what’s going on today and what will continue to go on until 1pm Eastern time tomorrow.

The banks are bringing all employees in the banks up to speed on what we’re about to witness and it’s called Currency Training  Protocols  – They have been teaching to get everybody down to the teller level. Which remember the tellers didn’t  know anything about this – . Most of them did not know what we know for years.

Remember that we were told lies from all the banks about what is we bought as an investment for years. Well, we knew eventually, everybody that was saying  “no”  would eventually be told “yes” -everybody in the bank that I know the teller level is being trained and brought up to speed on currency exchange protocols all the way up until 1pm tomorrow afternoon.

Why is that important? Because shortly after the protocol training  is over tomorrow at 1pm –  it was starting approximately two o’clock – We are in position to receive our email notifications from the Wells Fargo servers – Any time from we’re calling it 2pm tomorrow which is Wednesday, all the way to 1030 in the morning On Thursday, the ninth  – Tomorrow’s the eighth.

It’s possible that we will get notified by our emails tomorrow afternoon -. I’m gonna say start approximately 2 pm –  all the way up until Thursday morning at 10:30am Eastern Daylight Time.

Now, my theory has always been whatever  time emails come out on the east coast at let’s say whatever time that that would also be the same time in each time zone. For example, if they came out at 10 in the morning, and Thursday morning, for example, Eastern Time 10 in the morning, central time and in the morning, mountain time in the morning. Pacific Time, Alaska, Hawaii.

 So the reason I thought that would be the case and I’ve been told it was is because it staggers us, in terms of our response to the call centers that are regional throughout  this country.

And when we get an email – of course we’ll be excited , we’ll be calling in to set our appointments. and the theory is probably our appointments would  start sometime Thursday. – It’s possible we could start, I guess Wednesday evening / Wednesday night –  it’s  possible. I personally think they may just take tomorrow to set appointments and exchanges to start on Thursday.

So we’ll see. We’ll see what happens. But the point is, it’s really coming down to the wire. This is what we were looking for. We did get specific information that I just gave you from a redemption center leader and that was wonderful. Now what we need to do is stay vigilant. Keep an eye on our emails. And then we should be sending out our email when we get the word and get the number. We’ll send out our email blast to the people that have signed up to receive the toll free number from the call from our website Bob and his assistant  Riely,  his IT person  will be  getting that out as soon as they can.

That the numbers that make but you’ll find that those are probably a few different places. So we’ll see how that shakes out. All right, so excited as to where we are With this information.

And we hope as always that the Intel just needs to be right one time now listen, we’ve been wrong before. I admit intel that we thought was spot on. Just did not come to pass. This is looking good. Why don’t others what’s different about this? We’ve got all three green lights now.

The bond producers receive their emails yesterday today. We’d like to bond sellers receiving their emails tomorrow afternoon and getting a return on sales tomorrow evening. Knowing how much they have an account that they have access to it.

And then there’s the hearing we could be notified anytime after 2pm tomorrow but the bank employee training protocols when currency changes is complete by 1pm. Tomorrow, we’re trading on it today.

And tomorrow. Everybody should be on the same page and we should get notified sometime after two tomorrow afternoon or by 10:30am Thursday morning. Eastern Daylight Time. That’s a nice little window for us to get education to get everybody to just be calm. Use wisdom.

Enough let’s do this. As you know we pray we call out let’s pray the call out and let’s look forward to this blessing in full manifestation.

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