“Coffee With MarkZ” Thursday Morning Chat 12-2-8-2023


Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning Mark, Mods and RV’ers.

Member: I am sure hoping that News Years is the big 3 day weekend we have been waiting for

Member: I sure hope MarkZ dug up some good news for us today!

MZ:The bond leaders are quiet…the group leaders are quiet.

MZ: All my contacts are in position and we have a few more representatives from the Chinese banking families that are now in the west coast area. Some in Reno and some is southern California.

MZ: I believe everyone is where they need to be.

MZ: We do have a bank story that I want to share. I am going to leave out the name of the bank so they do not get harassed.

MZ: “I went to my nearest ________bank in California on Mon 12-18 to talk about the possibility of opening an account with them. I told the account rep I had a lot of foreign currency and have been reading that ______ bank was one of the banks doing deals in Iraq and were going to be one of the participating banks when the RV (Re-valuation) happened. I asked if that was accurate? 

MZ: The account rep lowered his voice a bit, smiled at me and said “Yes, they are going to be one of the participating banks when it happens but I would need to have an account in order to redeem”  I asked him if I opened a account today would it help with the process, and would this branch be where I would be exchanging?  He said “Yes and No” Yes I could bring in my currencies here…but they would have to send them to a branch in a different city to verify the currencies are legitimate.

MZ: I asked if I could just drive to that branch and redeem it myself there and he said “Absolutely” and that way you do not have to let your currency out of your sight.

MZ: So what I call a redeeming bank or redemption center- are locations like that one that are set up to verify and exchange it right there in front of you with trained personnel. RC’s are banking facilities specifically set up  with specially trained staff to verify your currency in front of you so you do not have to let it out of your sight.  

Member: Sure have been a lot of bank branch closings in my area.

Member: Banks cutting jobs … RV? FedNow? Impending SM crash? Failures? or QFS?

Member: Frank saying he may see us tomorrow because of something coming out… we shall see

Member: I’m in Canada. A family member sent me thus message. Do you think this us part of the RV or Gesara???? Just found out a native we know , received a settlement check of $150000 and more to come.

Member: Yes as my Native American friend says, everything breaks loose on January 1, and she loves even number years! 2024 is going to epic as you said!

Member: Take a look at the U.S.Debt clock ( click the top right) look at the bottom right 10 dollar bill, it’s peeled back showing a silver coin. Maybe it’s part of the coinage for our new currency?.

Member: I was in a Chase bank last week and noticed an entrance for private banking services. In the bank I noticed cubicles and training ongoing.

MZ: Clearly they are preparing.

Member: Is the Iraq 2023 budget being paid now?

MZ: I hear it’s in the process of being paid out- the question is –rate? I was hoping that I would get a clue from contractor friends in Iraq. But he is an Australian working in Iraq and has gone home for the holiday week. Many of the facilities there have shut down this week.

Member: I wonder what the delay is or why things are taking so long?

Member: Maybe waiting for Jan1?

Member: IMO- The RV is not late. It’s part of the military operation. It is one of the dominoes that will fall in its order in its time. It goes when they say go.

Member: What does you guy say Mark?

MZ: My gut feels it will be at the bridge of 2023 to the first of January.

MZ: Markets often sell the first week of a new year, as many exit after the tax year

MZ: No Podcast tonight or tomorrow night. News has been slow this holiday week. And the mods and I need a break. If any breaking news happens I can still come back or release a recorded message.

Member: Thanks Mark and mods….enjoy the time off. You deserve it.

Member: Thank you for all of your hard work, Mark! Happy New Year, and many blessings, to you and your family!


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

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Mod:  MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLL6zc8_QWA