Democratic Party: Allocating 7 government banks to settle the salaries of the region

Democratic Party: Allocating 7 government banks to settle the salaries of the region

Agent of the Kurdistan Progressive alliance, Sharif Suleiman, affirmed today, Tuesday, the continuation of the most common way of confining representatives’ compensations in the district, as well as work on planning government banks in Kurdistan to limit their pay rates.

Suleiman told , “The most common way of confining the pay rates of the area’s workers is proceeding and will be finished after the culmination of gathering data and information for all Kurdistan representatives.”

He added, “The confinement cycle requires specialized techniques, and there are progressing endeavors to assign 5-7 government banks working in the district, so the pay rates of their provincial representatives are limited.”

That’s what he expressed “representatives’ compensations won’t be impacted or quit during the specialized work to confine their pay rates, yet rather they will proceed, and Kurdistan invites the restriction choice to serve the portion of workers like other governorates, as work go on between the Government Service of Money and the district’s funds to determine the compensation limitation document.”