Deputy: The budget favored one governorate over others

Deputy: The budget favored one governorate over others

Free MP Basem Ngheimesh affirmed that the southern governorates didn’t get adequate assignments in the spending plan tables, bringing up that the public authority is expected to respond to certain inquiries in regards to favoring one governorate over others in monetary portions.

Naghimesh told , “The governorates should get their genuine qualification, as the speculation sums surpassed 50 trillion dinars, including 10 trillion for the governorates and 40 for the services, which affirms that the governorates didn’t get their normal privilege.”

He added, “The public authority is expected to respond to questions and make sense of the purposes behind its inclination for some governorates over others in monetary designations in the financial plan tables.”

He expressed, “The constitution underlines the need of disseminating sums as per populace thickness, as some governorates got enormous sums and couldn’t oversee them appropriately, and this matter is rehashed each year while setting up the spending plan plans.”