Deputy: The dollar exchange rate is still high

Deputy: The dollar exchange rate is still high

On Wednesday, Representative Muhammad Al-Khafaji affirmed that the dollar’s value in the markets remains strong.

In an interview, Al-Khafaji stated that “despite the government measures, there is still a significant difference between the price of the dollar according to the prices of the Central Bank and the parallel market.”

He said, “The slight decline in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market recently did not come as a result of manipulations, but rather because of the reassurance of the markets.” 

He pointed out “the importance of stabilizing markets and ensuring the availability of the dollar in a way that prevents any price speculation.”

Notably, there is still a significant discrepancy between the dollar exchange rate set by the Central Bank and the parallel market on the marketplaces, with the gap reaching 14,000 dinars for every $100.