Economist: Ministry of Finance statement is accurate and liquidity is available

Economist: Ministry of Finance statement is accurate and liquidity is available

Nabil Jabbar, an expert in economics, said today, Sunday, that because ministries are marked by responsibility, their declarations are more accurate and objective than those of representatives.

Jabbar said in an explanation to , “The assertions of certain delegates about getting compensations and the absence of money liquidity are mistaken and are given out of scorn or individual positions,” taking note of that “the money liquidity is accessible and the pay rates of workers are gotten by the financial perusing and the service’s assertion.”

He added, “The MPs’ explanations in such manner are either disparaging of the service to demonstrate hatred for it or in light of the perspectives on a few monetary specialists who are curious about the ongoing circumstance,” taking note of that “last year there was a shortage in monetary liquidity because of the decrease in cash deals and the discontinuance of monetary exchanges because of carrying tasks, yet this year, because of the great exchanges of the National Bank, liquidity is accessible and can get pay rates.”

The Service of Money answered today to proclamations made by certain individuals from the Money Panel, who deceived popular assessment on the absence of liquidity, which would influence the installment of representatives’ pay rates.