Ministry of Finance: There is no truth to the delay in salaries this month

Ministry of Finance: There is no truth to the delay in salaries this month

The Ministry of Finance clarified the budget for 2023 on Sunday while denying a lack of liquidity to finance employee salaries.

“In reference to the statements made by Representative Mustafa Al-Karawi on 6-8-2024 regarding the expenditures for the year 2023, which amounted to (145) trillion dinars compared to oil and non-oil revenues (135) trillion dinars, and that the difference was financed from the carryover for the year 2022 to 2023, in addition to borrowing according to the budget law for the year 2023,” the ministry said in a statement. “In addition to borrowing according

She made sense of that “all subsidizing demands got by the Service of Money from all spending units have been carried out,” taking note of that “designations after 12/31/2023 pass toward the finish of the monetary year and can’t be funded by Article (23/A) of the Monetary Organization Regulation, text of Article (No. 6 of 2019).”

She went on to say: Article 2/First – 4-H of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2023 states, “In addition to the fact that the Ministry of Finance took the necessary measures in coordination with the governorates and all funds included in the budget law to record the remaining amounts for investment projects that were not financed and were not disbursed to the trust account, in order to continue disbursing for the following year, amounting to (9.4) trillion dinars.”

She went on to say, “Regarding the MP’s statements about the lack of financial liquidity for the year 2024, the Accounting Department will not be able to finance salaries for the month of July and the following months, we point out that this statement is inaccurate because salaries, with all their names, are among the priorities of the Ministry of Finance, and it finances approximately (7.5) trillion dinars per month for employee compensation, retirement salaries, grants, social welfare salaries, salaries for people with disabilities, student allowances, and salaries for

She added: ” Our ministry has been committed to implementing the program and performance budget for more than two years. It is included in the special programs section alongside current spending and annually in Schedule (E) attached to the Federal Budget Law. This section includes the government program’s name, activity, economic classification, and classification. Implementing the program and performance budget does not mean canceling the item budget (section, material, type, etc.). at all.”